What truly divides people 34 comments
· 10 years ago
This makes me remember how in primary school, it was cooler to bend your flat top cap rather then leaving it straight. How the times have changed.
That's one nice dream. 18 comments
· 10 years ago
I used to write down my dreams, I found the weirdest things when re-reading:
- "At school we got sorted into Pokemon, I was in the 'grape' group with Friend #1 and Friend #2. There were many primary school aged boys in our group. The first last name to be called out was a boy called 'Faggot'"
- "Gargamel/Dobby/golem was in her group. He decided to defeat Gandalf who looked like Kili, he won the battle and the enemy fell in the water. He turned into a grape and exploded into smaller plants and fell on the lawn."
- "Was in a crazy movie where everyone just fights each other. I was the daughter , I had a father and stepmom. Started with everyone chasing each other with baseball bats. Then we were in a computer room with Miley Cyrus throwing glass bottles at each other. Turns into a major battlefield. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus escape into an airport where the stepmom is being held back for community arrest. The two men are now giants and are smashing up a volcanic landscape"
- "At school we got sorted into Pokemon, I was in the 'grape' group with Friend #1 and Friend #2. There were many primary school aged boys in our group. The first last name to be called out was a boy called 'Faggot'"
- "Gargamel/Dobby/golem was in her group. He decided to defeat Gandalf who looked like Kili, he won the battle and the enemy fell in the water. He turned into a grape and exploded into smaller plants and fell on the lawn."
- "Was in a crazy movie where everyone just fights each other. I was the daughter , I had a father and stepmom. Started with everyone chasing each other with baseball bats. Then we were in a computer room with Miley Cyrus throwing glass bottles at each other. Turns into a major battlefield. Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus escape into an airport where the stepmom is being held back for community arrest. The two men are now giants and are smashing up a volcanic landscape"
Hey guys, wait up 5 comments
Kids react to old walkman price 17 comments
· 10 years ago
The last child, Maksim, he is a genius. I swear his parents have done the best job in raising him, he appreciates old technology, enjoys learning science and is generally just intelligent in general. He's my favourite :)
When does one google bug spray ads? 10 comments
You! Come here. 9 comments
· 10 years ago
My mum is Japanese, I showed this to her and she said 'Ahhhh I like this show, I like their 'silence' episodes the most. It's when they have to stay quiet, but if they laugh, someone comes in and hits them'
Now become what you've hated 7 comments
· 10 years ago
This is my dad:
'Stop playing Animal Land on your 3D iPod'
*Animal Crossing
'Stop playing Animal Land on your 3D iPod'
*Animal Crossing