

— ronnyd Report User
It was about time 39 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Besides when was the last time the British made anything?
It was about time 39 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Oh yeah that's right, Robert Goddard invented the rocket. I can't remember where he is from would you please look him up for me I can't remember where in Germany he lived. Also the Russians were raping, murdering, and pillaging their way through Germany. The German people were quite happy to come to the western allies rather than be left to the mercy of the russians.
It was about time 39 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Riiiiiight... And where are you from if you don't mind me asking? Also trust me, the Americans did not rob the Germans hahaha, but thanks for the laugh
1 · Edited 7 years ago
It was about time 39 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
The Germans didn't put a man on the moon, so yes Americans perfecting German technology. Yes a lot of Germans worked on it but it wasn't solely Germans
It was about time 39 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Ummmm the United States.......
It was about time 39 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
There are only two types of countries, those who use the metric system and those who have put a man on the moon
The original Jurassic Park 5 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
For the ones verbally and physically attacking immigrants in the UK 17 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
And people wonder why Sweden has gone from a safe haven of liberalism to the rape capital of Europe
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Well I'm not too up to date with Australian things since, you know, I don't live there and what not
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Except you know, farms to feed people, natural gas and oil to heat homes, power business's, fuel cars. You know, nothing essential
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Australia is huge and sparsely populated, especially compared to the US. Also we're kind of arguing at odds since I'm discussing how things are in the US, and you're discussing how things are in Australia
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
It's just not that cut and dry
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
So if people have illegally purchased arms how do you propose on doing that? I mean they are criminals for crying out loud. I doubt they would register their guns. Also I despise trump but I would rather have him than Hillary. Hillary has never done anything beneficial for anyone except herself, literally anything that woman touches is a disaster
· Edited 7 years ago
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
hahaha yes that's what I meant, vegemite, not marmite. But sure you can get the bullet and find out what kind it is but you can't trace it back to a gun if you don't have the gun in the first place. Plus who do you think the real crazies are, the people in the United States or its government. Further more you envision the military as being full of jack booted thugs. People in the US military are people to, they live here and have families too. They aren't clone soldiers, they're people, do you really think they would support a government that attacked its own country. They would especially desert if the government started bombing its own country and people. There are countless stories of human beings in militaries who did the right thing. For instance the Russian sub commander who didn't launch nukes at the us during the Cuban blockade that would have started WW3
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
I don't see anyone getting upset. You said the things I stated are conspiracy theories and I'm asking for your proof. If they are so crazy and false then they should be quickly debunked
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
changing the subject? Nice
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Please please please, tell me what is false in there. I beg off you, please prove me wrong.
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
I completely agree, you can't have a rational conversation when tempers flare. The reason I won't give up my guns to the us government is because they kill people with drone strikes, they've embroiled us in endless war, they supply our enemies wether it is the Mexican cartels or Islamic extremists with weapons. And they have no problem killing its own citizens wether it's through police brutality or direct action I.e. Waco Texas. I'll gladly accept mass shooting as the penalty to keep my only means of defense against an increasingly overbearing tyrannical government who seeks nothing more to consolidate its own power and wealth
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
I'm just saying you can't possibly have a better perspective than I do. How about you riddle me this, who do you plan on regulating weapons in the US?
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
A lot of the confusion is because we're all from different countries. It's like me going to Australia and going, hey this marmite is disgusting, let's ban it. It just wouldn't work in Australia versus going to the states from another country and saying hey, I don't like guns, let's ban them. Besides everyone keeps going on about not banning guns but restricting and regulating them. Who do you plan on doing that?
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Yeah I can't really see the majority of the military siding with the government in that scenario. There is a reason DHS classifies returning vets as security risks. It's because they are the only ones with the training to really do something about a government as corrupt as ours
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Thank you! I'm glad there is someone on the internet that isn't completely oblivious to how things actually work in real life
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
@belenium you're trolling right? Please tell me you don't legitimately think life works like it does in CSI and other crime shows. Also the US has a massive technological lead above militants in the Middle East but somehow they're still kicking our ass but you're telling me that armed Americans couldn't fight off our government?
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
@belenium I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around the logic of your opinions, like the whole "if they have a gun, let them do what they want". What if they want to do is kill you? And I assure you it is inifitely quicker to assemble a pistol, load each round into the magazine then aim and fire the weapon then to wait for the police to get on scene
Hmm... Couldn't possibly be the tight gun regulations, right? 173 comments
ronnyd · 7 years ago
Ahhh yes, let's do a buy back because the criminal elements in America will most definitely turn their weapons in. Even if they did every single gun and only the government had weapons it would be a huge disaster. I only ask that people who would like to see only have the government have guns to look up things like Waco and Operation Fast and Furious where the federal government armed the Mexican cartels. No thanks, I think I'll keep my guns