

I probably gonna hijack your posts
But I'm adorable
Ross Report User

Gay saves the day!

Gay saves the day!

I have 2 Michaels. This is the scary one. Smh.

I have 2 Michaels. This is the scary one. Smh.

Except Australia

Except Australia

I lied that the floor was slippery so I tripped and hurt my butt

I lied that the floor was slippery so I tripped and hurt my butt

Eh what? Who should I feel bad for?

Eh what? Who should I feel bad for?

Gaps* he what!?

Gaps* he what!?

Well this may get awkward now

Well this may get awkward now

People fill their hollow with different things: love, music, cocaine, poetry...

People fill their hollow with different things: love, music, cocaine, poetry...

Monday is always hard so this cutie brings you a flower

Monday is always hard so this cutie brings you a flower

Bad choice we all make

Bad choice we all make