i drink an embarrassingly large amount of diet coke and i'm often a complete idiot. Please keep that in mind if i put my foot in my mouth.
— saltlakesnark Report User
Kaboom 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Just make sure you record and post it.
Women vs men. 18 comments
· 10 years ago
The heart one is technically true, but has less to do with gender, and more to do with size. Smaller=faster heart beat. So while the median size of women is less then the median of men, it isn't something that can be attributed directly to gender. The whole causation vs correlation thing.
Interesting data 27 comments
Interesting data 27 comments
· 10 years ago
It's a complex issue, and isn't due to just one reason. I found both of these articles quite good.
Interesting data 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Female circumcision is NOT the same as male circumcision.
Interesting data 27 comments
· 10 years ago
The paternity fraud one is actually laughable, considering a simple dna test would get any not-real-father off the hook.
Edited 10 years ago
Interesting data 27 comments
· 10 years ago
A lot of these are false, actually. Like the child custody one. It's actually about 45% of cases where the mother gets sole custody.
The domestic violence one is totally inaccurate. In reality, male victims of female domestic abuse are really only a small number of DV cases. Most cases are male male couples.
The workplace injury one is really wrong as well. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11148018/
It's like the creator of this infographic just made up random stats and is trying to pass them off as fact.
Edited 10 years ago
The domestic violence one is totally inaccurate. In reality, male victims of female domestic abuse are really only a small number of DV cases. Most cases are male male couples.
The workplace injury one is really wrong as well. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11148018/
It's like the creator of this infographic just made up random stats and is trying to pass them off as fact.
Interesting data 27 comments
· 10 years ago
For some maybe. Humanism is anti-religion. So it isn't quite the same as equality for all.
Meninist Activism dot org 25 comments
Anna is nowhere to be seen 13 comments
Cat waits for boyfriend to come home 11 comments
Mormons Inc. 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I actually have both a brother and sister that are gay. I can see how that would be a big milestone to joining. Because i do believe in the proclimation to the family, i know that family is the most important. And that means never using any excuse to not love, respect or accept your family for who they are. I love my siblings, and their partners. nor do i think that their lifestyle is going to send them to hell. Being a good person is whats important.
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
The internet is actually one of the best places to get information. You just have to make sure it's credible and accurate, which is why i sited pubmed.
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
The first article deals with genetic differences with immunity, the third that things are processed differently in the brain, and the third in emotions.
Not a single one adressed or even has anything to do with women being more nurturing than men.
Like i said, i never said that women and men are the same. But the idea that women are more nurturing is not backed up by science. And the stereotype isnt even 500 years old. Durring the middle ages and before, men were responsible for nurturing and teaching their children as much as yhe mother was. The rise of merchant class in Europe, and how it chsnged gender roles, is where the stereotype comes from. 500 years does not undo thousands of years of genetic propencity. It is not a scientific phenomena, its a psychological and societal.
Not a single one adressed or even has anything to do with women being more nurturing than men.
Like i said, i never said that women and men are the same. But the idea that women are more nurturing is not backed up by science. And the stereotype isnt even 500 years old. Durring the middle ages and before, men were responsible for nurturing and teaching their children as much as yhe mother was. The rise of merchant class in Europe, and how it chsnged gender roles, is where the stereotype comes from. 500 years does not undo thousands of years of genetic propencity. It is not a scientific phenomena, its a psychological and societal.
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Trend in science speak is not the same as in the media or fashion. In the scientific comunity, it means "a growing number."
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
I fail to see how questioning my intellegence, calling me and idiot, is the same as making a statement.
And at no point have i said that being a mother makes me an expert, but that it is where part of my knowledge comes from.
And yes, you are wrong. And have still failed to provide any links or credible sources for your opinion, whereas i have provided several, mostly from a highly respected medical journal.
You don't agree. Ok. But i have done my research. I have extensive knowledge in both the physiological and phsychological nature of both sex's, along with a lot of personal knowledge from working in the medical field for over 10 years. I've read multiple books on the subject by researchers. Since you called my knowledge into question, what are your credentials and resources for your opinion?
And at no point have i said that being a mother makes me an expert, but that it is where part of my knowledge comes from.
And yes, you are wrong. And have still failed to provide any links or credible sources for your opinion, whereas i have provided several, mostly from a highly respected medical journal.
You don't agree. Ok. But i have done my research. I have extensive knowledge in both the physiological and phsychological nature of both sex's, along with a lot of personal knowledge from working in the medical field for over 10 years. I've read multiple books on the subject by researchers. Since you called my knowledge into question, what are your credentials and resources for your opinion?
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh, and FYI, there are actually a lot of couples who choose adoption instead of having their own children. I have a close personal friend who adopted two children with Down syndrome, then had 2 of her own.
It's actually a growing trend in America and Europe. Not knowing about something doesn't mean it does'nt exist.
Edited 10 years ago
It's actually a growing trend in America and Europe. Not knowing about something doesn't mean it does'nt exist.
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Hm, doin't like that im right huh? I've always found that itbinteresting how some people need to result to personal insults rather than being content with their own knowldege. Interesting.
I never said we were the same. I also never said that oxytocin isnt a legitimate process of childbirth or helps bonding. I think you need to look up the difference of causation and corrolation. overpopulation has a lot more to do with no access to contraceptives than the fact that childbirth sucks, and people put up with it for children. Thats why the highest birthrates and increases are in countries with no access to contraceptives.
Your taking real, credible information, and completely misconstruing and misinterpreting data.
I personally know multiple couples who have both biological, and adopted children. The idea that they love their genetic children more, is offensive.
Edited 10 years ago
I never said we were the same. I also never said that oxytocin isnt a legitimate process of childbirth or helps bonding. I think you need to look up the difference of causation and corrolation. overpopulation has a lot more to do with no access to contraceptives than the fact that childbirth sucks, and people put up with it for children. Thats why the highest birthrates and increases are in countries with no access to contraceptives.
Your taking real, credible information, and completely misconstruing and misinterpreting data.
I personally know multiple couples who have both biological, and adopted children. The idea that they love their genetic children more, is offensive.
My first son was born recently 15 comments
· 10 years ago
CONGRATS!!! I am both excited for you, and also very very sorry for your loss of sleep for the next few years.
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah, and yet you haven't sited any sources or studies. And guess what, im a mother of 2. Which means I am actually quite equipped to tell you that the love is the same. Do you think adopted children are loved less by their parents then by biological children are?
I've also had experience dealing with case workers and CPS in my work. Mothers walk off and leave hildren too. Or worse, they do drugs while pregnant. Being a woman doesnt make you a good parent. Being a good person does. I've seen abusive mothers and fathers. I know men who have custody of their children and women who do. Physiological and physical differences are more pronounced from person to person than from simply male to female. Overal, taking into account the breadth and depth of differences, the mean is that there are really no differences.
You're still just spouting opinion, rather than fact.
Here's a pubmed research study.
I've also had experience dealing with case workers and CPS in my work. Mothers walk off and leave hildren too. Or worse, they do drugs while pregnant. Being a woman doesnt make you a good parent. Being a good person does. I've seen abusive mothers and fathers. I know men who have custody of their children and women who do. Physiological and physical differences are more pronounced from person to person than from simply male to female. Overal, taking into account the breadth and depth of differences, the mean is that there are really no differences.
You're still just spouting opinion, rather than fact.
Here's a pubmed research study.
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
All you're doing is spouting off gender stereotypes. I, on the other hand, have science and research on my side.
Feminists need to look at other jobs 32 comments
· 10 years ago
I call bullshit. Women and men can be equally nurturing. The idea that women are naturally more equipt to take care of others is why so many men don't involve themselves 100% in their parenting duties. Women are not frail creatures, and men are not stone cold and incapable of nurturing. Women choose these professions because when it comes down to it, mothers are expected to prepare for motherhood and choose a career that allows for it. Men are not expected to prepare for a career that allows for fatherhood. Women are expected to choose a career that pays less, in return for more flexibility to care for sick children and other parental responsibilities, that men are not expected to take on.