Mingo 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Or they are just pushing it deeper to the snow to make a fun picture.
Mingo 8 comments
· 6 years ago
If you look at the background in the first and last picture, doesn't there seem to be the exact same amount of snow..?
Bullshit 6 comments
· 6 years ago
If you're waiting and expecting the person who broke your heart to also heal it, you're only increasing your own pain
Shower for your though 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Umm... no? When pronounced in German, as it is a German car brand, the middle "e" is different but first and last "e" are pronounced the same. Here's a link on how to pronounce it in German: https://forvo.com/word/mercedes-benz/#ja
When you have a single mom and a teenage sister 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Was thinking the same thing... If the guy is older, it's for the mom, younger for the sister. That's how I'd think if I were this guy.
I don't condone that behavior 18 comments
· 7 years ago
I understand both sides, but all this person did was film the event and show to the boyfriend. Did the bf want to break up because of what he saw, did the gf want to break up because he was taking the incident too seriously or was it a mutual decision? We don't know. Break up is however NOT the "bears" fault. All he did was a show and tell, whatbut anyone made with that information was up to them.
This must be Canada 19 comments
· 7 years ago
I didn't get they were gay until the post said so, don't know if I'm stupid or not for not automatically assuming they're gay.
No matter what year it is, this holds true 4 comments
· 7 years ago
And this is why people are too scared to share with others what makes them happy
Perfect tattoo for an arm stump 22 comments
Me irl 2 comments
· 7 years ago
I think the main point is the funny pose he's doing, a pose one usually does for the tower of Pisa and not the Colosseum :)
Darn those lazy millenials 36 comments
· 7 years ago
loki5, the first one here that actually gets it. Thank you and have a cookie ^-^
There's nothing more to say about education in the US 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, I believe the proper spelling is "mongoose". But perhaps OP is not a native speaker in English. In Finnish "mongoose" is "mangusti" and in Swedish "mangust" so (s)he may have just gotten confused. Or the script is simply wrong about the spelling.
Dogs: 0 porcupine: 1 10 comments
Live To Win 3 comments
Tadpoles swimming under lily pads 7 comments
This cosplay... Right in the childhood feels 28 comments