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What do you meant by that??? It's not included in the hotel room payment?

What do you meant by that??? It's not included in the hotel room payment?

When doctors start protesting

When doctors start protesting

That shit hurts

That shit hurts

Fus ro dah!!

Fus ro dah!!

Learn to Communicate

Learn to Communicate

Try m*sturbation

Try m*sturbation

Best sitcom ever!

Best sitcom ever!

"The Never-Ending Storm" Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. This storm rages 260 days out of a yr

"The Never-Ending Storm" Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela. This storm rages 260 days out of a yr

*Banjo music intensifies*

*Banjo music intensifies*

Chivalrous smart Grouse

Chivalrous smart Grouse