Portable music player 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Y'all need Satan 42 comments
· 8 years ago
i read it in the original copy in Arabic ;) give me the sources and ill tell you if its really in the quran because people try to change it but they cant because the first quran that was written is still in the Saudi Arabia and no one can change it
Y'all need Satan 42 comments
· 8 years ago
i read the Quran everyday and it does not say that . your argument is invalid
STAR WARS COUNTDOWN: 2 DAYS!!!!! 16 comments
When religions teach about peace 9 comments
· 9 years ago
where did you get the information from ; did you even read the quran to make this judgement do you have any idea what islam is ; in quran is says "There is no compulsion in religion" it means we shouldnt treat people upon their beliefs but how they behave ; if all muslims were bad as you clame the world would have ended years ago becausethere are 1.6 billion muslims in the whole world ; and if we are going to judge islam from 0.01 per sent of muslims ; then dont let me begin of how much Judaism is terrible because of what Israel does to Palestine and how much Buddhism is horrible because of how many muslim people dying because of budhist in Burma and how much Christianity is a freaking nightmare because shortly christians fucked up the world since they existed
where was your human emotions all this time 34 comments
· 9 years ago
if you really cared about every country every human being you would watch the news on channels that brings news from everywhere , not FOX news ; there's Al Jazeera shows whatever needs to know
where was your human emotions all this time 34 comments
· 9 years ago
they are many reporters over there -_- risking their lives to bring the news but no one care to see whats happening over there ; people are reporters their selves if you really watch the news people tape everything happens in their country on their phones , this isnt a matter of circumstances or anything this a matter of which country is really good enough for attention
where was your human emotions all this time 34 comments
· 9 years ago
it is a racial thing because if Palestine or Syria or Iraq or Lebanon were in Europe or America they would've been noticed ;)
where was your human emotions all this time 34 comments
· 9 years ago
you know what , fuck you , you are the most stupid person I've ever seen
you know what I'm trying to say ?
I'm saying its not only important when white people die when the rest of the world is dying at the same fucking time , but yet people show their selves feeling sorry just when white people die .
yes its good that people freaked out and changed their profile pictures to the french flag but why don't do it when other people die ?
did anybody did that when Palestinian died last week ? thousands of Palestinian die everyday , most of them children ; Israel bomb their houses everyday ; can you imagine being in your home the safest place you know and then somebody bombs it and kill everyone in your neighborhood because they say its not your house its mine
did anybody did that when Lebanon was attacked by ISIS and people died ?
yeah well, no ....
Stop being so fucking hypocrite and give attention to all kind of people
because all lives matter not just white people ...
you know what I'm trying to say ?
I'm saying its not only important when white people die when the rest of the world is dying at the same fucking time , but yet people show their selves feeling sorry just when white people die .
yes its good that people freaked out and changed their profile pictures to the french flag but why don't do it when other people die ?
did anybody did that when Palestinian died last week ? thousands of Palestinian die everyday , most of them children ; Israel bomb their houses everyday ; can you imagine being in your home the safest place you know and then somebody bombs it and kill everyone in your neighborhood because they say its not your house its mine
did anybody did that when Lebanon was attacked by ISIS and people died ?
yeah well, no ....
Stop being so fucking hypocrite and give attention to all kind of people
because all lives matter not just white people ...
where was your human emotions all this time 34 comments
· 9 years ago
just showing these major humanity feelings to Palestne and Syria and Iraq is good enough bacause all lives matter not just white people's ; thousands of Palestinians die everyday ; you dont see the world freaking out about it like when few people in paris died