Miracle Berries can alter your taste buds so food taste different 22 comments
· 7 years ago
IDK about these berries ... what happens if the effects never go away & it turns really nasty somehow, like it eventually makes everything taste horrible?
Deadly Little Boofer 4 comments
Anyone else? 108 comments
· 7 years ago
This one is to smitty .., I think that’s so absolutely sweet of you to want to cover up your woman if she falls asleep on you! That shows that you care for her very much ... and I think her falling asleep on you, doesn’t just mean that she’s tired, but she feels loved and safe!!!
Anyone else? 108 comments
· 7 years ago
... I’m a woman, but I actually do know where you’re coming from! Not that my BF is watching those ridiculous movies, but I know because I hate those lovey dovey relationship movies! I cannot stand romantic comedies either! Ugh! I’ll watch things being blown up, car chases, war movies, etc. My favorite types of movies are the thriller, suspenseful type and I also love scary movies. Not the slasher type, but the truly creepy, hairs stand up on the back of your neck movies! If it’s gonna be a real issue to her of you not wanting to watch her type of movie, then take turns. I’d say that’s fair enough ... just don’t fall asleep while watching a movie when it’s your turn! You’d probably never hear the end of it!!! Good luck!!’
Edited 7 years ago
Who am I? What am I? 4 comments
Waiting for the ball 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Wow! That’s so awesome! She obviously loves chasing the ball! I’ve got to get something like that for my cat, Allie! Something where I can put all her hundreds of cat toys & the thing can just launch away!!!
Deadly Little Boofer 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Maia is absolutely adorable! Maybe when she gets a little older & gets her adult teeth ... then maybe she can rip your arm off ... or leg ... or nose ...