How not to bathe the cat 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Ooouuuucccchhhhhh ://///
A firefighter keeps getting scared by his buddies for a whole year 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Ohh maann.. he's gonna get a heart attack one of these days ;D he looks kinda hot, though :p
I have survived the battle against these brutal weapons 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Actually, I never got any of them.. the worst thing my dad did was flipped a few tables (which some are quite expensive) once in a while and then made a huge bonfire outside (but we couldn't join in cuz he'd get even angrier)
Crime and punishment in the middle east 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't wanna be punished like those stated? Then don't do the things like stealing or drinking or killing. Islamic countries impose these laws, yes. The people are afraid to be punished, so they don't do it and so the punishment is not carried out. It's not really hard to just stay still and be a good citizen when you've been brought up to not do such things. Don't blame Islam for being such a "peaceful religion" (I'm being sarcastic). Such punishments can lower down crime rates because people know it is the law to be punished for what you did. Some Islamic countries do have lower crime rates because of these laws. It is for the good of the whole country. I'm just saying what I wanna say. You can hate me or unlike or downvote (whatever) my comment but I'm just saying ^_^
Feels ;-; 20 comments
My whole life is a mess 7 comments
What losing 70+ pounds does to your face 16 comments
· 10 years ago
So pretty.. wish I could just quit sittin' on my lazy ass and start workin' out.. just too damn lazy
What happened to us 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz them till they hate you! Hahaa miss MSN.. do people still use them...?
I'm never using Skype after seeing this. 32 comments
· 10 years ago
"Coming Soon" is when? Would love to see it.. but with both eyes closed, and then constantly bugging my partner of what's happening on the screen.... hehehe
Gingerbread house from the movie 'up' 3 comments
· 10 years ago
...and I was looking around for a ginger.. didn't really clicked my mind... the ginger... is the girl.... =.="
How people with glasses see the world 8 comments
Epic Quest 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Even I, as a girl, always, always!, have a hard time choosing these *sigh*