Truth in advertising 3 comments
· 10 years ago
It says that by travelling at 71.5 m/h it will overtake a Ferrari travelling at 65 m/h... It's not wrong
Kids these days 17 comments
· 10 years ago
And I suppose replying with "Stop being such a little cu*t" was witty, funny, and not offensive?
Nice save 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I think it's to do with Blackface. When 'black' people weren't allowed to star in movies white people would paint themselves to portray black characters. It's now seen as very racist understandably.
f*ck da Police 2 comments
The best way for your windshield to get smashed 12 comments
What was going on around 1630? 9 comments
90's kids will know 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Well the reason they probably put it in cartoons now is because someone from back then tried it, so they assumed we are all morons now too.
Edited 10 years ago
Feminazi Logic 30 comments
· 10 years ago
It could be argued that his shirt was objectifying women, not that I think it's that bad. I do believe the length to which the "feminists" went to were unnecessary, but would also like to point out that even smart people can make stupid decisions, and that his shirt probably is a bit inappropriate, and slightly degrading for him. Sorry.
There is nothing like being a Dad! 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Especially because you don't have to push a watermelon out if your hoohah
Everyone talking about Kim's ass and the comet but, not about this. 83 comments
· 10 years ago
I agree with this post, but don't think it should say 'fuck feminism' at the bottom. It should say 'fuck the "feminists" who called out this man'.
Bored? Have Netflix or uTorrent? Part 1 21 comments
Discrimination against men? Sexist double standards 14 comments
· 10 years ago
For example after this video I clicked on one called 'child cosmetics' or something which featured 18 and 19 year olds. In Australia (where this was filmed) you're an adult at 18, and they had people expressing their disgust that children were getting plastic surgery, when in reality it was 2 adults.
Discrimination against men? Sexist double standards 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Sorry, but today tonight isn't known to be a reliable source. They're known for butchering and dramatising stories to bring in viewers. They're kind of like the celebrity magazines of news. Even in the bottom corner of the scene where the people were taking pictures it said dramatisation. Just thought I'd let you know not to get your hopes up about this story being 100% accurate
Movies Coming Soon 2014-2017 55 comments
Real things blondes say 19 comments
· 10 years ago
*whispers* not all blond girls are dumb, not all other colour haired people are smart *slides back into dark corner*