

Sealeena Report User
Stepan the bear 46 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
I don't think I could do this. My parents saved and raised a raccoon and that was nightmare enough, especially when she was in heat. I can't even imagine a bear, not at all. No thank you.
It Really Was... 17 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
So I have a funny story involving this. My Mom went to make BBQ pulled pork one time, right? And she already had the pork ready, but when she went to make the sauce and looked for ketchup, she didn't have normal ketchup, but the stupid green bottle of this cause my sisters liked it, and the BBQ looked like raw sewage. It tasted fine, but the green made it look so horrible that we couldn't bear to eat it and had to throw it away.
Good Guy PewDiePie 18 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Well if he gets taxed anywhere like he would in the U.S., he'd probably want to donate for the sole purpose of TAXES GLORIOUS TAXES! Seriously, expense everything possible and donate a fuck-ton. I haven't seen his donation stuff though, is it good like Markiplier's? I've seen quite a few of Mark's charity livestreams and love that it's something he's done since the beginning :)
All the time 2 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
We honestly don't mean to! I swear! We were meaning to leave, but then another subject happened and you just don't have enough time to forget about diapers, vomit, or your house slowly turning into an apocalyptic wasteland. So yeah...parents get a little distracted sometimes.
A+ 10 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
I had to look down at my keyboard to see if it was a possibly typo...
This scares me 44 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
This shit's not fair! I went through a HORRIBLE stage of makeup in my teenage years. Like just the crap foundation and all that jazz. My kid's not allowed to enter Sephora til she can pay that shit on her own, which won't be til like 25 lololol
Go go power rangers 5 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Mine just sounds like bubbles popping :(
True af 2 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Better to be prepared and have wasted that time than to have come to class and take that test completely unprepared
Wen you got a useless teacher 3 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Welcome to online classes
Relationship goals 3 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Or be sandwiched in between both. Mmmmmm
I got that b*tch a galaxy. b*tches love galaxies. 5 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
I just think of Markimoo and his SPACE video!!!
From 300 to 175 pounds 7 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
I wish I had this sort of motivation.
Scarred for life 25 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
My friend and I did that last year. We had a depressing movie night once a week and I chose that one. We couldn't stop crying.
Finding clarence 5 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Well that escalated quickly
Just our society 23 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Because of downvote I should feel the need to say that this is not my child I was talking about. I was dating a man with a child from a previous relationship, and that bitch was freaking crazy. This is what I hate. When women have the power, they use it for evil. Be a good person and try to allow a relationship between father and child. Don't hold support over their head, don't be bitter. Be a decent, human being. I just don't understand people. It's not that hard.
If you like pineapples on your pizza 13 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
"Pineapple and black olive, right? Did they burn the crust?"
What girls think you look like when you tell them you're under 6ft 6 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
I never had problem with a shorter guy dating me (I'm a 5' 9" woman), especially when he was confident. It was when he wasn't confident and bitched about my height or me wearing heels that I had a problem.
My Facebook feeds as a 28-year-old 16 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Okay, I'm not feeling so bad it took me way too long to realize they were babies and not the chickens. Chickens would have been so much tastier.
Brutally honest 4 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Mom is savage af
Twix up my sleeve 7 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Annnddddd now I want a Twix
Just our society 23 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Men forget that in a number of states that if they have a change in income where they cannot reasonably pay the amount of support they have been previously paying before, they need to contact the child support department and possibly a judge. If you reasonably can show that your change in income is not likely to go back to what you had before, then you can pay a decreased amount. My ex had to go through with that because he had issues paying support for his son with a job that had significantly decreased in pay (oilfield). It happens.
Try this new game 3 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
There's also a nasty virus issue that results in miniature half-clone spawns of you if you traverse through the brothels without protection.
Not easy at all 18 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
I loved making geckos!
Oh 5 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Then there are some parallel universes with REALLY fucked up sexual encounters. Snape and the Teletubbies, anyone?!
I like Zendaya 23 comments
sealeena · 8 years ago
Dayummm her eyeliner on point