Marvel's Chris 11 comments
· 9 years ago
top row > bottom
Why be enemies when they can be friends? 32 comments
· 9 years ago
anyway, when you are away from your family and war/military duties are starting ti lose meaning to you, and all you want is to go home, holding someone's hand is probably the most reassuring gesture
Why be enemies when they can be friends? 32 comments
· 9 years ago
its the fact that they're repping two militaries who could destroy eachother, but choose to hold hands and embrace peace
Why be enemies when they can be friends? 32 comments
· 9 years ago
it's a lot more symblic than a ship guys. This is how we should strive to be with everyone
Girls, if you have a choice, would you call yourself beautiful or average? 25 comments
· 9 years ago
I have all the confidence and self esteem that I should have, I love myself and my body, but I don't need to feel beautiful to feel good about myself. I don't need to make people who aren't yet confident in themselves feel bad.
Kanye getting the job done 23 comments
For all that say ISIS are Muslims 52 comments
· 9 years ago
These terrorists really just misinterpret/are taught wrongly. More Muslims are killed by ISIS than anyone else, the *real* Muslims hate ISIS as much as any of us. Muslims don't even recognize ISIS as Islamic. Muslims aren't bad, the terrorists are.
....p 21 comments
I don't have to be careful I got a gun 10 comments
I laughed more than I should have 8 comments
The problems of a tea lover 16 comments
She's A Real African American Because She Was Born There 17 comments
· 9 years ago
good point, but a few people feel that it connects them to their heritage. To end racism, we shouldn't care if they call themselves African American, Indian American or Austrian American, we should love everybody the same <3
I don't have to be careful I got a gun 10 comments
My protector 9 comments
I am that weird kid... O.o 17 comments
· 10 years ago
yeah, I try to be nice to everyone, but when that weird kid is mean to your friends and hurts their feelings, sorry, but it's time to go - unless you want to be a little nicer