Sarah Roy


Sarah Roy Report User

Photoshop fail level: Moisturize me

Photoshop fail level: Moisturize me

Plagiarist gets called out on Quora

Plagiarist gets called out on Quora

Could've fooled me

Could've fooled me

I lied about the repost thing...I like this one so I share

I lied about the repost thing...I like this one so I share

I'm never looking at a mouth again without thinking of sauce

I'm never looking at a mouth again without thinking of sauce

Heres your Unscheduled Dose of Dirty Puns

Heres your Unscheduled Dose of Dirty Puns

Is Pepsi okay?

Is Pepsi okay?

What does this even mean???

What does this even mean???

Here's a fun challenge

Here's a fun challenge

I never noticed this before???

I never noticed this before???