

My dream for the future is to become a fantasy author, though I have no clue what to do when that fails. XD
ShikaNaru Report User
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know 12 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Or when they're like "aw I love (insert name) so much!" and they're either evil or going to die.
Thats not very nice Thor! 5 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Or supports gays.
Why is this not happening? 23 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
I want to read it so bad, but my heart would probably be ripped out and stomped on so many times.... Oh well. It'd be worth it.
My first star is gone :'( 11 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
I have no idea what you were trying to say, but I get the feeling that you were insulting the almighty FunSubstance and so here, have a downvote.
Supermaaaaannnnnnn! 9 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Is it weird that whenever I see a Batman and Superman post I immediately want to ship them and call them SuperBat??
My first star is gone :'( 11 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Except, recently at least, people have been down voting every single comment people with stars make. I had like 1700ish likes and went down to under 300 over the course of two days for no reason.
Good story 11 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Same! I've found a sort-of-solution though- talk to a friend and give them a brief rundown on the overall plot (or whatever you have) and ask for suggestions. They'll most likely come up with an okay idea, which you will then modify to fit your vision and will then revise like two billion times. It's not perfect, but it works better than staring at a paper in silent rage because you don't know how to start it.
What's your excuse 6 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
I'm lazy.
The true origin of hunger games 14 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
That was a) extremely impressive, and b) freaking epic.
What If Male Superheroes Dressed Like Female Superheroes? 30 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
There needs to be a movie where all the heroes EVER are genderbended and have to deal with the expectations of a hero of that gender, whether it's female or male. I don't need a plot, that would be enough. I would die laughing. Bat(wo)man in a skin tight leather suit thing omg
EDIT: But their personalities and voices would be the same.
16 · Edited 11 years ago
Another 26 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Yeah, I was oddly obsessed with Shikamaru x Naruto for a while... I don't even know why, to be honest. I blame fanfiction.
Film’s premiere in New York City 30 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
The one closest to the camera is getting ideas...
Talking to my crush and when he leaves... 4 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Oh god, a celebrity crush long forgotten has resurfaced. I can't believe I stopped paying attention to him. *0* Internet stalking- begin!
So hardcore ! 24 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Yeah. It was Tsunade, I think. There was a faded out image of the 4th and the guy who had just recently died at that time(not putting his name because of spoilers) before she realized it was him. Kakashi did the same thing (with the 4th only) twice.
So hardcore ! 24 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Especially after Sakura's scream. It didn't matter that everyone knew he'd pop in right there, it was still like BAM! I'm awesome now. He looked much more mature in that outfit, and I guess they wanted him to stay goofy? I don't really know. I liked it a lot too.
So hardcore ! 24 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
It really was! Sometimes I look up Naruto vs Pain AMVs just to see this part again. It will always be the turning point of Naruto's badassery.
Snackrifice 6 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
Probably Fortuna, the goddess of luck.
Hahaha its face 5 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
She looks like Sue from The Middle...
Harry P. 14 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
I snorted in the middle of Spanish. Thanks for that.
When people insult me pathetically. 2 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
"You tried."
Oh Tumblr 15 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
:D You're welcome! Re-reading it though, there are a crap ton of spelling errors. Oh well.
Please 5 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
My step mom asks me this everyday, but we both just chorus "boring!".
What people don't seem to understand 24 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
So what? Are you saying that you're not allowed to be inspired by a fictional character? Not looking too deeply into it, Robin (and characters like him) showed me that you don't have to be special (IE: pretty, smart, athletic) to make a difference. I'm none of those things, but if I see someone getting beat up, damn straight I'll step in. These shows were meant to inspire children, the same way Harry Potter and the like were meant to reintroduce magic into kids who were growing up and losing it. Just because he's not real doesn't mean we can't learn from him.
Oh Tumblr 15 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago
There's a hundred and four days of summer vacation and school comes along just to end it, so the annual problem of our generation is finding a good way to spend it, like maybe building a rocket or fighting a mummy or climbing up the Effie tower, discovering something that doesn't exist or giving a monkey a shower, surfing tidal waves creating a nano bot and locating Frankenstein's brain (it's over here) fighting a dodo bird painting a cotton field and driving our sister insane (Phineas!) as you cam see there's a whole lot of stuff to do before school starts this fall (c'mon perry!) so stick with us cuz Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it all (x2) (Mooom! Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence!)
*pants* Did I miss anything?
Wrong society 2 comments
shikanaru · 11 years ago