Funniest line in the movie 15 comments
· 6 years ago
Same face syndrome... I'm not usually one of these type of girls. I don't particilarly love Disney, either. Didn't grow with it. But it still makes me very sad that we'll never get another 2D animated movie from them again. Their 2D movies all had different, varied artstyles, which you could recognize instantly. But all their 3D animated movie... Same assets, same style, same same same. Even JUDY HOPPS, a rabbit, had the same face as all these princesses! Same eyes, same everything!
Good guy cinema staff 8 comments
Perfect honeymoon 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Their front window is pretty much useless anyway weither it be on ground and especially in the sky lol
"I recognise that cloud shit we're lost"
"I recognise that cloud shit we're lost"
Bro goals!! 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Is this some sort of... Waterpool... At a concert?
How fucking cool is that?!
How fucking cool is that?!
Lick that face 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Well that explains it
XY are easily the worst Pokémon games imo, even though I love the fennekin evo line and Sylveon
XY are easily the worst Pokémon games imo, even though I love the fennekin evo line and Sylveon
Lick that face 12 comments
Bird photobombs meteorologist 5 comments
I know the feeling!!!!!! 3 comments
The hero we deserve 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Technically he isn't a police officer. He's a gendarme. Difference is gendarmes are soldiers, and usually operate in the countryside.
BOY! 8 comments
· 6 years ago
One stick. One stick, one smaller stick.
Two sticks. One stick, one stick laying down.
Two sticks. One stick, one stick laying down.
Peaceful 2 comments
· 6 years ago
I'll have you know this is not funny. My grandfather died in a concentration camp during WW2. Fell off a mirador...
Edited 6 years ago
Gravity shift 3 comments
Sorry. 13 comments
This Isn't Even My Final Form 12 comments
A great way to avoid getting caught 10 comments
· 6 years ago
I know for some reason that now it's bad to say that weed is dangerous, but driving high is just pushing it. If you want to endanger yourself, okay. But on the road it's other people you're endangering.
(Say, I really need to understand why smoking weed is considered normal now, and that if you dare say anything against it you'll get jumped on?)
(Say, I really need to understand why smoking weed is considered normal now, and that if you dare say anything against it you'll get jumped on?)
Another war another shot at redemption 1 comments
· 6 years ago
Blue and pink (mistakenly put as red during the revolution) are Paris' colours.
A thing I found on Quora #3 14 comments
· 6 years ago
I just hate having my hands dirty. Can't really tell why but I'm tempted to even eat things like Cheetos with some kind of tool.
Edited 6 years ago