Yes you are 22 comments
· 5 years ago
I had to drive for 20 minutes with those lights blinding me in all of my mirrors as I’m being tailgated in the pitch black night being followed inch for inch
Edited 5 years ago
Yes you are 22 comments
· 5 years ago
I’ve had a bad history with tailgaters and those bright lights gave me my worst driving experience in my life, and I’ve had 2 accidents
Cat with eyebrow is something 4 comments
Who else is super hyped?!? 27 comments
Who else is super hyped?!? 27 comments
· 5 years ago
rosalinas, the wiki says that the movie takes place 2 years after the finale, making him 16
Who else is super hyped?!? 27 comments
· 5 years ago
Don’t we all just race to the happily ever after, instead of wondering whether we even started running in the right direction
Winning sand sculpture 4 comments
Winning sand sculpture 4 comments
Got this mail today 5 comments
Got this mail today 5 comments
Local pastor: Did you know gay people also have wallets? 4 comments
· 5 years ago
For those who can’t read the doors, it says “God’s Doors are Open To All”
To european gers out there 6 comments
· 5 years ago
I should, but I have to thrown in the laundry in the washer and my clothes in the dryer didn’t dry so now i have to wait
If you want to talk about your stories 26 comments
· 5 years ago
This is on top of being bullied relentlessly from first grade to the point where I had to leave and find another school because the bullying made me suicidal by 14. The teachers didn’t give a shit, the counselors refused to do there job and help me because it was almost an entire school a worth of people. What made it all worse was when I was beginning to find out I was homosexual. It all got progressively worse. After being: assaulted 2 times, 10 years of bullying and abuse falling on a deaf ear and wanting to off myself enough; my parents finally took me out of that school. All of this in one childhood. I began to think my entire life’s purpose was to be the victim of abuse and to be everyone else’s scapegoat and luckily after that things got better and fast and I’m currently in the best mental health state I’ve ever been in. I just turned 19 today as of posting and I have a couple words to say.
Don’t let anyone make you feel like shit, EVER. Anyone, and I mean anyone
Don’t let anyone make you feel like shit, EVER. Anyone, and I mean anyone
If you want to talk about your stories 26 comments
· 5 years ago
Father is a narcissistic, bipolar, racist, bigoted, idiot who parades around like he owns the world and we all live in it. We can’t go out to a restaurant without him wanting to talk to the manager or the owner. He nearly went to prison for stealing thousands of dollars from my brother’s child account (which he blames the brother and his ex for BTW), parades around, throws tantrums (literally will cry like a baby), and treats the family dog better than his wife and child. I had to grow up super quick to fill in the needs Of my mother. I’m going to talk about my mother briefly but just remember, I love her with all my heart. She is a perfectionist and was a tiger mom while I was in school (which I’m fine with), and I basically became more of a husband to her than the actually fucker she married. What’s worse is that she doesn’t say anything about his behavior when it happens and doesn’t expect apologies because of his mental illness (that’s not a good thing). So yeah, a childhood full.
If you want to talk about your stories 26 comments
A genetic roast 8 comments
· 5 years ago
People: *Enjoy something*