So pure 3 comments
· 7 years ago
You are a benevolent god
Your Kuzco is out there 14 comments
You're not a real bisexual 31 comments
Uranus 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Fun fact: It's the only planet whose name is derived from a Greek rather than Roman god. And it was almost named George, after King George III, but was named after a god instead to follow traditions of old astronomers.
Uranus 7 comments
· 7 years ago
It's pronounced yoor-uh-nihs, derived from the Greek name of the primordial being ouranos who personified the sky. Then it got translated several times until we got the English version Uranus, which most people say wrong.
Tiny spiders are adorable 13 comments
Need a VIP ticket for this ride 20 comments