callmebruce 25 comments
· 9 years ago
Really inefficient troll
But I love kids! c: 36 comments
· 9 years ago
But, fluffydinosaur, what if they want to put all their time attempting to cure cancer, cultivating their political career, or experiencing the gift of life they were given? I think that having children is a beautiful thing, but it's not the only or the most beautiful thing a person can amount to. Everyone has different priorities and different instincts, so let's just celebrate and eat cake!
Edited 9 years ago
But I love kids! c: 36 comments
· 9 years ago
Or they decide it isn't worth that level of sacrifice and want to put their time and energy into something else.
Courage: the ability to do something that frightens one. 53 comments
· 9 years ago
How does that hold up, though, if gender according to you is sex? How do you even define sex? If it's genitalia, where do intersex people fall as far as gender goes in your mind? If it's chromosomes, what of people with chromosomal disorders that lead to various three-parted combinations of X and Y?
I guess in my mind I find it ridiculous to simply equate gender to sex, especially when so many people's experiences, cultures, and scientific understandings beg to differ.
I guess in my mind I find it ridiculous to simply equate gender to sex, especially when so many people's experiences, cultures, and scientific understandings beg to differ.
Courage: the ability to do something that frightens one. 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Gender is separate from sex and has to due with identity and the mind. I would be more than happy to provide some links for you all to do more research on the matter, or perhaps you could look at the links in my previous comments?
How is this even possible...? 7 comments
Got the job 4 comments
· 9 years ago
Continues on to do everything 110%: shakes hand for awkwardly too long, stays in the office 10% longer than supposed to, drives car off the road an extra 10% of the way. It's a gift and a curse really.
Neil deGrasse Tyson's list of 8 books every intelligent person should read 7 comments
· 9 years ago
The Bible: so you can learn why there are literally thousands of sects with varying interpretations in response to a book that apparently tells you "what to think."
Police getting yelled at 68 comments
· 9 years ago
While I do agree that many protests are ineffective, and the rioting that we have seen is unacceptable, idiotic, and opportunistic, there is an issue in the American justice system with race. There is an out of proportion amount of non-white people arrested for petty crimes and non-violent drug charges, and racial bias, while unavoidable in humans, can prove to be deadly in this line of work unless the police forces are truly willing to take a step back and evaluate the culture they are creating within the force and their training. Two of the most black and white (pardon the pun) examples that come to mind are the implementation of stop-and-frisk in NY, and the shooting of the unarmed man in the back in Charleston. We all owe so much to policemen, and we should respect them, but never confuse respect with reverence.
Baconator. 76 comments
· 9 years ago
The issue is that the prices have inflated, but minimum wage has not kept up. That, paired with a shrinking job market and a growing education bubble, equals a lot of people (adults and young people) with no way to lead a sustainable life.
Just to be Crystal Clear 25 comments
· 9 years ago
I apologize: I was basing my statistics off of a Wikipedia listing for the deadliest genocides (always a stupid thing to do, I realize). It's an insult that such a deadly event is not included on that list.
Just to be Crystal Clear 25 comments
· 9 years ago
The holocaust was by far the most deadly genocide, though, with an estimated 5 million to 11 million deaths opposed to the still incredibly tragic Armenian genocide with a death toll estimated between half a million and 1.5 million. We, as humans had never seen racial purging and mass murder on that scale before the holocaust, and were so horrified and shocked by the atrocities committed we had to give that type of mass racially motivated killing a name: genocide.
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
· 9 years ago
The best advice I can give is to look at scholarly articles and trusted news sources. Bias is a huge issue, and maybe this is my own showing through, but try to always listen to the person experiencing the phenomena (whether it be gender identity, sexuality, you name it) before anything else.
Why do they hate us...:( 105 comments
· 9 years ago
Because Americans are just "other" enough to be thought of as strange and used as a scapegoat/used for venting frustration, but not "other" enough for it to be considered racist or culturally insensitive to make fun of them.
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
· 9 years ago
In all honesty I would be surprised (pleasantly) if they had covered the gender spectrum. Luckily, the internet is plentiful with resources for research and the world is full of people with first hand knowledge for you to talk to: if you want sources you know are credible, perhaps find an LGBT+ Center in your area and drop by. It may not feed into your career as an engineer but it does affect how you understand and interact with people.
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm glad you have a background in this, then! Hopefully it will help you remain open minded, and I hope it has piqued your interest enough to make you want to pursue independent research on the topics as our understanding of gender evolves and becomes more comprehensive.
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
· 9 years ago
There is intersex genitalia, but that is beside the point. It's more than disliking your gender: it's feeling as though your identity is not that gender.
Here's are some good resources explaining the difference between sex and gender:
Here's are some good resources explaining the difference between sex and gender:
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
· 9 years ago
I would assume they would either have male, female, or intersex genitalia and hormone production.
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
· 9 years ago
Agender- lacking a distinct identity of "boy" or "girl"
Gender fluid- feeling as though your identity fluctuates between multiple genders
Bigender- identifying as both a "boy" and a "girl"
And before it is asked: yes, these identities are found in multiple cultures and time periods (though often by different names).
Here's an interesting article if you wish to learn more:
Edited 9 years ago
Gender fluid- feeling as though your identity fluctuates between multiple genders
Bigender- identifying as both a "boy" and a "girl"
And before it is asked: yes, these identities are found in multiple cultures and time periods (though often by different names).
Here's an interesting article if you wish to learn more:
Just to be Crystal Clear 25 comments
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
· 9 years ago
Strangelyaccoustic, I am sorry because I said I was going to try to avoid arguing over vocab but that is an extremely errant definition of bisexual.
This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
· 9 years ago
There is something inherent about gender identity (I will be keeping with this assumption through the rest of my statement so if you disagree right now you will disagree with the rest). As most people know, some individuals are transgender, and feel that the gender they were assigned at birth does not fit the gender their mind is (still with me?). So, if we can agree that gender is inherent and an individual can detect if the gender they are pushed into is incorrect for them, wouldn't the logical conclusion be that some people can detect that neither of our binary genders fit them? Also, pansexual and bisexual are not the same, but I won't bore you with an argument: it's just vocab.