

— sirviantis Report User
The quiet atheists 65 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
I think I have the same problem so I'll try to answer it to the best of my ability. For me it's constantly reminding yourself of an inner discussion on do we believe or no with arguments like, there'd be no higher powers that'd be silly vs. Then why do we worry about not opening umbrellas inside as much as we do about looking both ways before crossing
Justin Trudeau becomes the first sitting Prime Minister to participate in a Pride Parade 26 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
What a fake guy, everyone knows you cant be a SITTING president and take part in a pride PARADE, on foot, as shown in the picture. Clearly photoshopped he didn't join the parade because he was busy sitting
What would you choose? 55 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
I don't like pizza anyway so...
Oh Dory 1 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
He makes me think he could be a Dr. Who villain
Fly with commitment issues 4 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
Is that including it's larvae stage or no?
Interesting. 11 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
Why would Plato write"according to Greek mythology" if he was Greek?
A sea slug that can photosynthesize 4 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
Seems super cool, i'm jelly, i want to photosynthesize too
Trick your cat with a circle 6 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
Why do cats sit in circles?
If the world lost oxygen for 5 seconds 19 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
My name isn't cosmo, who should I pay then?
· Edited 8 years ago
Fire elemental spotted in the wild 8 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
Any shaman to cast command elemental, I can't be bothered to fight this shit
The internet 8 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
I agree very much, been telling people since I knew how they do it
The resemblance is uncanny 15 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
It looks like three strategically placed butholes, yeah, the resemblance is uncanny
The most underrated superhero ever... Just because he speaks to fish 8 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
I'm not a comic book fan but I thought I heard something about it breaking once, anyone to confirm or tell me I'm wrong?
Very interesting 32 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
That is me with every movie. 21 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
Now why the hell would you want that?
That is me with every movie. 21 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
Mostly on commercials, anyone else?
Just a leak 5 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
Bruh have you seen pokemon? Water conducts electricity, they're just saving on wiring. Also since it's salt water if we were to all do this then the amount of salt water would drop that much that we'd have a majority of fresh water and copper to spare.
Science Bitch
Still miss his smiling face.. 14 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
for a moment there i thought it said that a group of stingrays ganged up and shagged a crocodile, i was very confused for a minute
Awww they're so tiny! 2 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago
How is this not on DDOC?
This Is A Thing in the google chrome store 2 comments
sirviantis · 8 years ago