

— sirviantis Report User
I'm not saying it's aliens but it's aliens 12 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Isn't there also something like Damascus steel, you know, that awesome steel that everyone forgot how to make? could it be that?
What actually happens when gay guys see other gay guys and straight people aren't around 6 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Is it offensive to call gay guys gays? And if so can we make it acceptable again, It's much more efficient seeing as you easily overlook one of the two words as they're so similar
What a good dog 7 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Is there a story behind this?
All my internet friends end up hating me, or forgetting about me. Especially on funsub. 22 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I planned on writing this as a comment and hoped you'd reply something along the lines of: "I remember you" to then unmask that lie. Yeah I know I'm a toxic member of this community and should leave... /cry
All my internet friends end up hating me, or forgetting about me. Especially on funsub. 22 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Well, this didn't work out as I planned
dumbasses 13 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Yeah but if you'd plug it in you wouldn't charge it in 1 minute either. I still think microwave charging works better than cable charging.
dumbasses 13 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Yeah, though it's more of a gimmicky feature it does open the gate to whole new developments, maybe batteries will even be able to charge themselves in the future
Where are all the hotties 47 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
If pansexual is attracted to everything then isnt that the same as bisexual?
Where are all the hotties 47 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Am i the only one who noticed that all the straight girls are worried about lesbian females being more attractive and that all the straight guys are worried about the hot gay males... seems reassuring to have less competition to me but okay...
Such special words 22 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I'm sorry, i couldn't resist
Such special words 22 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
great, wanna make this comment great again?
Such special words 22 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Can we like, delete comments or something, we could fix this, couldn't we?
Such special words 22 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Oh, sorry it's been a while since I saw that episode of RTAA and I didnt think there was more to it...
Such special words 22 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Yeah pretty sure we were, how, what did I do wrong?
This made my brain hurt 20 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Actually thats undeterminable... I wouldn't know if im fun at parties i never go to em
Such special words 22 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Ah cool so it does work then, good to know for later, also how did you type being dead?
This made my brain hurt 20 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Great you can have the incredibly usefull 1$ bills, by any chance do you know someone who'd like to "sponsor" this experiment?
This made my brain hurt 20 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I propose a scientific test to verify this hypothesis.
Me and another volunteer will both get acces to an infinite number of respectively $20 dollar bills and $1 bills. If one runs out of money before another we'll know that the 2 are not equally valuable.
There's still room for 1 volunteer and i also need someone who can counterfeit money.
Such special words 22 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Don't do it
Cute pupper noms on plant 10 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Oh, allright then I'll let you get away with it then
*there are
Cute pupper noms on plant 10 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Is the title implying that their's puppers that aren't cute?
Rip sjw 15 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
You can't really assume that, maybe he/she/other/... was involved in the question making process where he would've identified himself as a "he" indicating that he/she/other/... is in fact a he.
He has risen 6 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Is there a story behind this?