

— sirviantis Report User
Yeah I would make myself hotter but in one go! And make myself taller 16 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Either switch into a blob, turtle or a porcupine to not be squished
Yeah I would make myself hotter but in one go! And make myself taller 16 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
If you sneeze everyone around you would be quite a bit hotter than normal too
who let this happen 82: what will this prove? 20 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I'd prolly comment something about it being paradoxal and not making sense since I didn't respond "but not all men say that" either that or something like same here
Costco employee silently tries to trap a pigeon 3 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
That's not how you catch a bird dummy, you take of some clothes and throw it over it like a net, worked 100% of the time for me
The pros and cons of being tall 9 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
The pros and cons of being tall 9 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I'm tall but I tend to, sorta, dissapear from time to time...
The pros and cons of being tall 9 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Yeah same here, 204 cm or somewhere in between 6 1/2 to 7 ft
Gees, now you are just asking too much 18 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
So, gaston x gaston is a thing now?
Always hated those kind of kids growing up 8 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Nice, thanks grimreaper
I didn't wake up this morning thinking i'd say that
H O L Y B O Y E 1 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Doggo must be vvv good boye
My anaconda don't want none unless it's got buns, hun 12 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I'm jealous of this snake... sigh
Always hated those kind of kids growing up 8 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
If I leave a comment will i be able to visit again?
Dude's about to get sent to the Shadow Realm 3 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Well, there's some cards that are insanely fun to play, I play legacy of the duelist and it feels great to summon me a red eyes darkness metal dragon
I want 50 23 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Here's some good arguments for capes
University life 6 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I got 9 today, from 12.00ish to 7.00ish and then 1 additional hour on the bus, twice
c*ckroach_Master_race.Exe 10 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Yeah that sounds like something I'd do. Cool username btw
4 · Edited 7 years ago
It was a weapon of mass lactation 44 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Remind me again, what's the problem with breastfeeding?
Why does your cereal have ice cubes in it? 7 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Yeah, can confirm, I once mistakenly diluted milk and it was horrible
Masterpigeon! 7 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
How do you go without funsubs for that long mate?
Pokemon GO new update 6 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I play pokemon go and quite like the new pokemon
Masterpigeon! 7 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I did that like once mate, also whats with the late comment?
Exactly what I need in my house 17 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Seems like a sweet deal to me
Exactly what I need in my house 17 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Nope, close but no cigar, its obviously an axolotl
dr doggo is here 2 help 7 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I think this is the point where I overdosed on internet doggos
Think twice before talking to it 9 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Who's alexa?