

— sirviantis Report User
What an amazing person 9 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
True, and theres also the fact that not-obese people seem much healthier, also nutritionist and trainers seems like a lot, if i were a CEO id just fire xer
An idea to prevent a nuclear war 8 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I'd say it's a whole different story when you actually have to take a knife/gun up YOURSELF to shoot/stab someone you know has done nothing wrong, I doubt any would volunteer though
Clean up was easy. When it hit the news, people just started showing up with trashbags. 13 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
to be fair most times I smelled the vomity doritoes smell was during camp with a bunch oof boys aged 7-12... it was a while ago but I can still remember the smell
Apparently ducks can be vacuumed 6 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
You got a duck rwby?
Humans can be good too 3 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Am I the only one who never does this to his dogs?
Clean up was easy. When it hit the news, people just started showing up with trashbags. 13 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Well i dont expect them to smell like someone oredered an extra large dose of vomit but hey, they do
Clean up was easy. When it hit the news, people just started showing up with trashbags. 13 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I know that but they still have a habit of making rooms smell like doritoes
Poor thing 5 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Do tell me more
The Godly Versace Roach 3 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Being a dog is not so easy 9 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Dogs do have their genitals hanging out though, might be a bit hidden but if youre making analogies here be accurate, also, it'd be a room filled with SOs since people love dogs and dogs love people
Clean up was easy. When it hit the news, people just started showing up with trashbags. 13 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Whats with people loving doritoes, they smell WAAAAAY bad
Damn that's a good cosplay! 15 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I know right, amazing
The cool side 3 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
What's up with sleeping on the cool side of the pillow?
I just want some affection okay! ;-; 30 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
What is it with hot pillows, many people seem to prefer cold ones and all but i dont understand that at all
I just want some affection okay! ;-; 30 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Memory foam is indeed an amazing thing
I just want some affection okay! ;-; 30 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I have 4 pillows on by bed, but its a 2 person bed so really only 2 I use, I'm pretty sure that the lack of someone to share my bed with is a better indicator of my loneliness though.
The Talk 8 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
"I was talking military time, it'd still be a crime"?
The correct way to escape a sinking car 27 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Thanks i_
The correct way to escape a sinking car 27 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Why not undo seatbelts when still dry, seems to not sere any purpose and if your seatbelt malfunctions or if you cant find the darn thing instantly you're wasting precious time
Monday 2 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Actually over here you get the first day after easter off
Unstoppable dog escapes animal hospital opening multiple doors with his snout 1 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
VVV good boye
Is this one of those helping dogs for the disabled?
Meh 8 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
I want to know as well
How to remove different stains 4 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Theres an easy all-round solution, its called... scizzors
I don't know what to think about this 6 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Maybe she thought she was psychic but was too awkward to ask when she still had to sit near you after asking
SZECHUAN sauce is back 9 comments
sirviantis · 7 years ago
Doesnt this mean that Rick and Morty won't get it's next 9 seasons?