

— sirviantis Report User
Sending many blessings 4 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
Well, the tall guy can't help being tall. Can't expect them to just give up their marginally better seat to switch with you.
Yeah. Everytime I watch the movie I feel older 5 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
I think pulp fiction, but I'm not sure.
Makes sense but in a weird way 7 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
But shouldn't the door open outward. It could get crushed by a moving elevator this way...
Fun for the whole family! 3 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
Steam's hentai is censored, glad I never got one of those!
Charger hell 1 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
Try this coupled with a defective unlock button. My life for half a year.
Your daily workout plan. (Found via Pinterest) 2 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
But you wouldn't even spend any time playing...
What a legend 10 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
Why would you ban school bags? That's rediculous!
Ssems like a great deal 7 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
So, I know about apple's whatever it is stand for 1K, but for real, this bike looks awesome.
Yeah it is 4 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
My best friend for years started as that one wierd guy who allways wanted to play tag. Likewise my girlfriend started as that one girl who really should just let me get on with watching this anime... Oh how wrong I was.
Evil?Yes but actually no 7 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
This is actually what I do, I tend to "let slip" fake spoilers so people will be more shocked and surprised by events in the film
Don't you all have phones anyway? 1 comments
sirviantis · 5 years ago
I'm just wondering, what's wrong with BfA? I've played legion and back then they seemed to have a real handle on things (except to give me somewhat decent RNG, but that's beside the point)
Mad lad 10 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I understand the point, but not where he's coming from, teachers can be bitches, phonecalls can be important and schooling is expensive. But if you're phoning someone during class you're disrupting the class. If it's important you should ask to leave the classroom to take the call, possibly even warn the teacher beforehand.
I've only ever been kicked out of class twice and both of the times it failed. One time the man threathened to kick me out so I just said "I don't need you to kick me out." and left (but was soon called back, and I came since moral compass). The other time I was kicked out but handled it in much the same way as described in this post. Dude didn't know what to say. I left later though, since I had to catch my buss, I didn't ask for permission, nor did I mention why I was leaving.
Wholesome affair 2 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
So that's why people think people who play D&D don't have girlfriends
I, for one, welcome our AI robot overlords 3 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
My autocorrect is amazingly awesome to the point where I'd allmost believe it if you told me it's sentient
This once happened to me and a microwave dinner 6 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Huh, what is this about?
How to smash 2 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
How do you make texts flowery?
justmanthings 5 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Aha, my girlfriend doesn't like shopping, I win!
Happens every time 4 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I'm really quite sure that's an actually valid and used technique. The smaller contact area means more pressure, also swords usually have their centers of gravity towards the handle around the crossguard. By doing this the "fool" effectively converted his sword (a weapon really quite useless at getting through armor) into a warhammer (which were made specifically for getting through plate). Furthermore, the "fool" was likely supposed to wear gloves (if you've allready made the choice to walk through town with a sword, you might as well bring some gloves as well, much cheaper and lighter, also the dudes are clearly in an arena, so he actively decided to join in battle) against accidentally cutting his fingers (and even if not, getting cuts to your fingers is much preferable to being stabbed to death).
Dude actually know's what he's doing...
Source: I practise H.E.M.A. (Historical European Martial Arts), basically swordfighting.
Who names their kid 3 shots of tequila? 11 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Uhh, that's me, I wasn't logged in... Sorry for spamming :)
Everyone has tried doing this atleast once 5 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
My girlfriend has insanely small lungs, so I hyperventilate. She suffocates...
CoMfy 14 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I have a girlfriend and I find sleeping and cuddling at night to be really uncomfortable. It's a whole different body with warmth, mass and bones, all of which are uncomfortable. Not to mention their constant urge to move, and never ever be comfy. Nah, best I can do is cuddles before and after, but not during, sleeps
It could save U 13 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I understand it helps identify two similar looking snakes one of which is poisonous one isn't (used to be really interested into those as a kid) but I the memory helps just seem gibberish to me
This 7 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Huh, what happened then?
Stefan is my counterpart. 14 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
Who's Life?
Tell me mf 2 comments
sirviantis · 6 years ago
I used to, though I eventually started to forget, but it's quite okay since she doesn't appreciate the gesture.