Dumb 10 comments
· 6 years ago
That's what I thought!
I like this idea 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Working in a Utah store (US) we have tons of food go bad. Sometimes certain companies will take it back and give the store credit for it and so they won't reduce the price or anything. Other times they'll reduce it and sell it. The sad thing is that in Utah at least, there are strict regulations for donations, one instance that I always think of is when Cheerios (a cereal) accidentally marked a ton of boxes as gluten free when the weren't. In order to give stores their money back, Cheerios just wanted the boxes back to verify the amount and base the refund off of that. Well because the pack of cereal no longer had sufficient labelling they had to be thrown away as a shelter wouldn't accept them. Things like that or how we couldn't donate items from our bakery/deli for insufficient packaging. I saw tons of food thrown away because shelters won't take it or also the stores don't want to risk lawsuits on donations that were not legally labeled/packaged enough.
Edited 6 years ago
The sands of time 5 comments
· 7 years ago
At first I thought it should've been the other way around...oops thanks commenters!
I like this AU. Give me more. 20 comments
And this is why social justice warriors suck 15 comments
That should not be allowed 15 comments
For a while I actually really wanted some 8 comments
My experience as an employer 53 comments
· 8 years ago
@pokethebear @guestwho I was a bagger for about a year and a half then got training to be a cashier, did that for a year, and now I throw freight. I'm kind of like the unofficial manager of the department I work in so I do managery things without the title. So that's not too bad then?
My experience as an employer 53 comments
· 8 years ago
Also does it look bad if they've been working at one place for too long? I've been working somewhere for 4 years, but I've been told not to stay anywhere for more than 5 years in order to keep myself ambitious. Does that actually look good to employers?
Edited 8 years ago
And maybe an Avatar 26 comments
When no one believes your name is Phuc Dat Bich 16 comments
· 9 years ago
My Vietnamese friend's name is Phuc too, but it's pronounced Foap where the p is barely audible
So China's ending their one-child policy 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually it is said that since the law has been in place for so long, there is a stigma that it is bad to have more than one kid, so it is not projected that there will be an instantaneous jump in the population.
Still waiting for the adverts 9 comments
Very true 11 comments
· 9 years ago
The grocery store I work out doesn't! Although it's a petty old store with slow customer flow...haha
His new best friend 14 comments
· 9 years ago
It's harder for small dogs to cause death due to their size, but i have a friend who was bitten by a small dog with rabies, yeah not fun. Part of the problem is that pitbulls were bread to be violent, that's on humans, not the breed.
His new best friend 14 comments
· 9 years ago
Also it has been tested and smaller dogs tend to be more violent here is one of many articles about them: http://www.k9magazine.com/aggressive-dog-breeds/ if you look around online there are actually a lot of stories of them saving or protecting people too.