kobeeeee more like kobabyyyyyyyyy 18 comments
· 9 years ago
At least it's realistic haha
Bill Clinton meeting JFK 8 comments
· 9 years ago
That kids towards the back with dark hair and dark glasses looks like a villian to be
Flatworm pen*s fencing 14 comments
· 9 years ago
As a person I think it would just suck having to change gender, no matter which you start out as (if you didn't want to change anyway)
Go ahead, tell me about how bad it is 65 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, but some have THC content as low as 0.3% which classifies it as a hemp derived food product. read from unicornhunter's post
Short tumblr compilation 3 comments
Savvy? 1 comments
Poor guy 85 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah my cousins that went to prison for other charges said that in prison rapists and pedophiles are the most hated, some prisons even have to have a specific area for sexual offenders in order to protect them from the other inmates because this (if not worse stuff) has happened on multiple occasions
Something that could change the way you see fashion 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Glad to see that there is some level of realization, my family is from there and my grandmother and aunts worked in them to earn money.
A nice thing you can do with your pencils and your lack of talent 8 comments
· 10 years ago
am i the only one that is bothered by the fact it is not in perfect order (i'm not an artist so i don't know maybe this one is correct)
No one is safe 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Which I believe also goes with all the issues with cops in different countries (I'm from 'Murica)
Praise the sea 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I know how can he leave those good claws on that crawdad to the far left?!
Crouching Tiger (Hidden Dragon not included) 12 comments
Jiu jitsu vs Aikido Martial Arts Battle 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Exactly, the guy doing aikido sucked. He wasn't doing many of the moves that are designed to defend against punches, kicks, and holds. It was still cool to watch, but was definitely not like a real battle.
P.S. aikido does not really attack since it is a defense art, which is another one of his mistakes.
P.S. aikido does not really attack since it is a defense art, which is another one of his mistakes.
A reader's life 11 comments
So my girlfriend just did this to me 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah man too bad, this is why I go with the Certified Virgin. Just kidding haha
In Canada we're so nice, they have to remind us 5 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm lost, why not? In public it should be fine? I understand not to when you are going home obviously, but why not in general?
f*ck, my mom is going to kill me! 67 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes, not to hate or anything, but a lot of people against abortion forget about what happens after the birth it seems. The way I see it, the life of the would-be baby is much more likely to be a bad one. Yes there are parents that will love the kid no matter what, but the chances of a sad/neglected child is much more likely statistically. So my point of view is that if all the people who would've aborted the fetus didn't, and they just had them but never really wanted them would probably end up beating the child. Sad brutal outlook, but it is a possibility.
P.S I don't think this is the situation for everyone
P.S I don't think this is the situation for everyone
It's A Deadly Trap 13 comments