
— SKiN Report User
Cats and their priceless logic 8 comments
skin · 8 years ago
Last picture: "And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee"
It's lit in Chernobyl fam 14 comments
skin · 8 years ago
If those are mSv, they're good. Not until 1000mSv will it cause cancer to 5% of those exposed, and that's decades after.
Millisieverts, one thousandth of a sievert and abbreviated as mSv (1000mSv = 1Sv)
Delivery! 2 comments
skin · 8 years ago
That may have been more of a proposition... porn has ruined me
Thoughts? 35 comments
skin · 8 years ago
Double standards are certainly a thing, but she's generalizing all men. Women make the community fun, dressed up or just experiencing everything with the "dudebros"
This is a run on and on and on sentence 8 comments
skin · 8 years ago
Professor just didn't want to decipher an 18 page sentence
I'd say I'm a Ron Swanson 7 comments
skin · 8 years ago
Why does government matter?
"It doesn't."
She got balls of steel 28 comments
skin · 8 years ago
who is she?
Don't Mess With Me 9 comments
skin · 8 years ago
I read that as "Every time a girl...", was wondering how someone could have this as a promblem.
The worst part? SHE LAUGHED ABOUT IT! 33 comments
skin · 8 years ago
WHAT'S TRUE: In 1975, young lawyer Hillary Clinton was requested as lawyer for the defense in a rape case involving a 12-year-old girl; Clinton reluctantly took on the case, successfully challenged mismanaged evidence, and entered a plea bargain for the defendant.
WHAT'S FALSE: Clinton laughed about the unreliable nature of polygraphs, not the case's outcome; Clinton did not volunteer to be the man's lawyer; Clinton did not claim the complainant fantasized about being raped by older men; the case did not go to trial.
Slices of a moonrise over LA 3 comments
skin · 8 years ago
Trump's plan to destroy the moon comes to fruition
such amazing cooking skills, marry me now! 5 comments
skin · 8 years ago
those twizzlers are ripe for the picking
Triple spiral rose 4 comments
skin · 8 years ago
Things have gone astray at the Fukushima Circle K
(•_•)))- Here's the buzz. 5 comments
skin · 8 years ago
And that, children, is how Lil' Kim got her rap name
Would You? 18 comments
skin · 8 years ago
blue screen of death, the windows error screen
Anyone find it weird that NK doesn't have a Rothschild bank in it? 55 comments
skin · 8 years ago
Nerdygirl asked for an explanation, I provided a factual response. Provide a better answer if it pleases you though
Would You? 18 comments
skin · 8 years ago
right back where they started, trying to shave weight, but that would look awesome
1 · Edited 8 years ago
Would You? 18 comments
skin · 8 years ago
Apart from flying with a massive BSOD, powerloss would be terrifying.
A traveller t-shirt with 40 icons solves the communication problems during travel 7 comments
skin · 8 years ago
it's 39, I dont believe the company logo is doing anyone any good AND where the fuck are the beer and/or pretzel icons!?!
Maybe they also dislike it, but don't point it out for them! 18 comments
skin · 8 years ago
unless it's a nickname they gave themselves. In that case all parties present determine a new one on the spot, that is why I now have a friend named "Prudence"
Candle scent 14 comments
skin · 8 years ago
astronauts say it's something like seared steak and welding fumes
A monster egg with a double yolk and another whole egg inside 9 comments
skin · 8 years ago
did it die or something? it's not like it got a c-section
Poor chandler 6 comments
skin · 8 years ago
With Chandler, he just didn't want to make a fuss
That last one is the most dangerous 5 comments
skin · 8 years ago
that'll do donkey
Anyone find it weird that NK doesn't have a Rothschild bank in it? 55 comments
skin · 8 years ago
european banking institutions are normally the main governing body of a country's central bank. America has 5 governors of only two are elected by us. there were 5 countries without a central bank in 2000; iraq, afghanistan, cuba, iran, and north korea. funny how things work, the first pieces of legislation in iraq and afghanistan were for central banking.
Working retail 1 comments
skin · 8 years ago
"that's messed up"