

Are you checking me out?

— skittles Report User
"I made dis" 2 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Good job mommy!
Disabled people protest hanging from bridge in Bolivia 13 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Is it wrong that if I were in one of the chairs I'd try to make mine swing?
Freaken Cats Everyone! 9 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
I'm so happy everyone loved this as much as I do, I love that I made some peeps laugh. ;)
Effective abs exercises 9 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Yes it does work, very well too.
This guy made a PipBoy 3000A using a Rasberry Pi 8 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
By now button please!
How new memes are born 6 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Aw it's ok :D
Man I love Jacksfilms 6 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
The evil in me loves this idea
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Sir was referring to Korozco
Jason Statham makes every movie awesome! 11 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Let the bodies hit the floor
Happy Birthday Ron!! 6 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Omg I'd enjoy this so much.
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Lindymom has spoken! Good day sir.
This sofa has seen some stuff 1 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
It thought it had found its forever family :(
I'll get my enemies to touch this 7 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Best warning sign ever!
I'm just saying hello. 4 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Honestly I'm not sure if it would be considered profanity. These were my first posts, and I didn't wanna get in trouble. *shifts shyly in seat*
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
They're doing that because it worked at other stores. It was happening in grocery stores way before the wage increased.
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
And what does that have to do with anything, they'll do that in point they're doing it already without a minimum wage increase.
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
So his policies would work in a depression but not a recession? In what universe does that make sense?
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
This is chess not checkers, and the income of an educated individual vs uneducated is significant, that alone will eventually pay off in our economy as well. This is important to not forget imo it would also save (in the long term) on government benefits, government housing, and Medicaid costs. If people have been educated and are working they'll be paying their own way in society instead of depending on society to support them and most likely their children.
I work out 4 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Especially since we all have zero intention of making 2 trips.
Happiest cat 10 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
I've heard of them near death, and the veterinarian saving them. So far I haven't heard anything about an animal dieing that was backed up by any real facts. Imo animals are that are carnivorous should be fed according to their natural diet. A loin kills to eat so do wolves, I don't think we have a right to treat domesticated animals any differently. Especially when it doesn't give them the nutrition they need.
How I feel as an American citizen 73 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
I love that we're illiterate but then made up prices (not prizes) PRICES are being used as an example in an argument to tell us how ridiculous our views are. May I just make up whatever I want to argue my point as well? This will be much more fun, I have an incredible imagination.
I work out 4 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Don't forget carrying in the shopping bags of groceries
I didn't care about skin color watching the Oscars 78 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
What I really find unfair is having solely Black entertainment, awards, and now even dating sites is ok no one has an issue with it. If there were a White entertainment, award ceremony, and dating site, it would be labeled as racist. I'm not saying we should or need anything like that for the Caucasian people, I'm saying that we need to stop labeling anything in terms of colour period. By saying this is black, white, or whatever we're feeding separation and in turn it's an us/them when it should just be us as a human race.
This isn't the park daddy 6 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Vets are scary places :'(