

Are you checking me out?

— skittles Report User
Gumzilla is here 2 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
This is the only way to eat gummy bears
Which one would you choose? 42 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
I myself wouldn't want to date a man who was born a female either. I have no problem recognizing your sexual preferences, but I wouldn't want to date someone who wasn't born a man. Do you believe that someone should have an obligation to tell someone who they might be dating /marrying that you are Transgender?
Which one would you choose? 42 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
I'm sorry for asking this on someone else's post...I hope you don't mind, but I'm wondering what guys think. Would you mind dating a Transgender girl, born a man but went through all the changes. If you knew her past would you be ok with it? Honest answers.
Generational gap 5 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Older generations would be more likely to live in older homes. Older built homes, would have a higher risk of faulty wiring.
Ignore the title 12 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
This is why we need a president like Bernie.
Remember to take precautions 8 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Also a teddy bear, that way if you toss out from under the blanket and over the edge a little bit, the teddy will protect you.
Not all heros wear capes 4 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Can we have it uploaded to the world
Cherry Blossoms in Bonn, Germany 5 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
This would smell amazing, after a near overdose of Claritin.
Forest filled with ghosts 10 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Murder and dismemberment.
Just after the Academy Awards ceremony 1 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
The longer I stare at Deadpool is the more I love it
Chocolates 10 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
I'm sold! I'll add the self loathing, and guilt myself.
Yes. 4 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Omg yeah, same here. I've had friends with just amazing family and one sibling was horrible. You can literally see everyone in the family looking at them like wtf happened.
Oak tree hit by Lightning in Lithuania, Kretinga county 6 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Sleepy Hollow tree
Best show 7 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
This meme is what the photo shop was meant for.
This. 1,000% this 28 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
That was awesome
Woofers 18 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
These comments are why most of you are better friends then people in real life. I relate to everyone here on a level that cannot be explained!
I'm gonna laugh my way to hell, I'm sure. 13 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
I was getting down voted to oblivion when I first posted this last night. I thought it was going to be erased.
I'm gonna laugh my way to hell, I'm sure. 13 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Lucifer! You came! I know you're busy, with the election and everything. I am seriously excited you took the time!
I'm gonna laugh my way to hell, I'm sure. 13 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
I have Muslim friends, I myself am not. I wouldn't post this as a "Muslim joke" the way I read's an ISIS joke. I think everything is funny, even when it's making fun of me as long as it's funny. Humor is everywhere.
Give me more sauce 6 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Ok...all fast food chains started giving a certain number of each condiments to save money. Everyone blames the people who work there, but this was a company decision. They trained the workers in such a way to give 1 salt, 1 bbq, 2 ketchups...and only a couple napkins....and only if the customer asks. That's the same amount of "extra" they're supposed to give you if you ask, as well. If they give handfuls out their management will tell them not to...they can get into trouble for this. So keep in mind that it's the rich guys iin management that are to blame, not the people you are face to face with.
*Sobs softly in a corner* 6 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Awe...this is so sweet. It's fantastic that they took time for him.
Ahaha 3 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
That's so creepy! Also this is how babysitting should be done!
Yes. 4 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Yes! I do believe however blaming parents only go so far, I've seen some really great parents and thier children were awful. Parents didn't understand, no one who knows them understands, so the parents shouldn't always be blamed. At some point we need to recognize that some people are just ass holes, it's them not what's in thier environment. Everyone needs to learn to take responsibility for what they are and what they do.
Forest filled with ghosts 10 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
Halloween goals this year!
When youre just too metal 3 comments
skittles · 9 years ago
YESS!!! Metalman spotted, you look so awesome man! Just how I imagined you.