

Are you checking me out?

— skittles Report User
Hell? 4 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Well it's in the red zone, seems perfectly legal to park hell there.
More dogs than you can handle 22 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
That's actually really nice of her, it takes a lot more time and effort to make. Dogs love it, most people don't give dogs the right food if they do it themselves. So she obviously cares a lot.
Someone put a bird feeder on the deck. And the bastard ate himself to sleep 3 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I relate to this squirrel so much
Testicle donation anyone? 16 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
You can always trust people who give you candy.
In Case You're Not Having A Good Day 4 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Puberty. Brick. Aww yasss...
How the night sky from Earth will look like in the far future 6 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
We're going to destroy ourselves long before anything gets a chance to.
Double standards 9 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I am starting to think she's the antichrist.
This is perfect 2 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Ewen McGregor is just the only Obi-Wan for me.
I feel sorry for the little guy 10 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Poor little guy, he doesn't understand or know what to do.
Pushy 2 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Just. O.M.G.
Pls throw? 4 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I will do whatever it's wants...and if it can't make up its mind I'll snuggle it until that terrible look is off its face.
I guess childhood isn't meant to last 8 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
That is so true! I post a lot of crap sometimes I don't even know if I like, just because it seems like something no one else will post. I think most of them will be voted off...of course my cute gifs and such, but almost everything else I don't know how it's gonna go.
All the time 3 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
This is so cute I'm sqeeing
More dogs than you can handle 22 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Did that work out well? I've known of people doing that amazingly well, and then some people doing it terribly (lacking serious nutrition until a vet was like stop!)
A round owl 5 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Bless it, it's so cold. :'(
If it could talk... What would it say? 19 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
"Bark, bark, bark bark bark!"
More dogs than you can handle 22 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
That's so true, and they can be taken away from people if you have too many to care for. Usually if they don't get enough attention, they're often neglected in a lot of other ways. That is really sad...a lot of times it's animal lovers who are just afraid thier beloved pets will be put to sleep. It could make me cry thinking about it.
Some people need to start understanding this 21 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Well I salute you my friend because I can't even plan on what I'm doing tomorrow without screwing it up. I do joke around about everything under the sun especially things I'm not supposed to mainly because if I don't laugh I'd probably cry.
Some people need to start understanding this 21 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Having a sense of humor isn't a problem. Trying to force the way you live your life is a problem. Until you either run for president, or help someone run who can fix it get the presidency then you aren't contributing ANYTHING. Your comment isn't helping anymore than mine, but hey please judge me having a sense of humor. I still do have the right to make a joke the last time I checked. Wanna change that right go to parliament not fs.
More dogs than you can handle 22 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Sure one person couldn't but you have no idea how big thier family is. If the dogs are being taken care of what does it matter?
More dogs than you can handle 22 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Too many is if you're not taking care of your dog/dogs and that has nothing to do with how many you have.
ooooooooooohh 10 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Woah, the boner story was just freaken enthralling.
Some people need to start understanding this 21 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Can it, and root for your team like everyone else.
5 · Edited 8 years ago
Time he should know 7 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
It's just not news for a b-day, what if it ruined it?
don't know what to make of this..... 4 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Your enemies should never be told!