

Are you checking me out?

— skittles Report User
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I think I'd try something more practical since we're writing santa, like getting rid of greed, hate, and vanity...ya know since those are the things that corrupt Religion, and politics. But hey, that's just me.
And @YCW if you are planning to do away with someone else's religious beliefs you can't then say you respect them having them...
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Having the right to say what you want even if it's offensive, isn't that kinda like another right we have? Like freedom of religion or something.
Vandalism won 5 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I think he looks more distinguished
Haha Hyena Ed, funny dog 1 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I can hear him laughing each time I see a picture of him
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Wow someone just told Hitler what for!
You do you friends 7 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
The "right" guy for you isn't gonna care one way or the thing people forget is to be themselves and you'll meet someone who could care less. Hell a guy that loves you is gonna think you are radiant with or without makeup because your personality makes him FEEL what he's always wanted. If you don't believe me try telling a good guy that's in love with his girl something negative about her.
why do I laugh so 3 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Just for the record all you have to say is shark!
Indian farmer on his formerly productive land now rendered barren by drought 13 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
We all get down voted for no reason, it's just trolls...usually good funsubers come along and make the bad go away.
oh my god (no offense meant to anyone Jewish btw) 5 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I have 80HD so really hard to concentrate on this.
Bye my friend 3 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
The dedication it takes to be falling still meeting the camera with your eyes and remembering the wave. I say well done sir.
He has certainly done more than me 3 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Satan Jr always trying to make dad proud...
RDJ is Iron Man 8 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
No that's Bob, we don't talk about him anymore.
Steve Rogers 5 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Best thing ever! I'm dieing!
For Those People Who Can't Tell The Difference 4 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
No it's your belongs to you.
RDJ is Iron Man 8 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
There's just no flaws in this man
Double standards 9 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I feel the same way sometimes, everyone just needs to remember what it took for us to have a vote. So imo it's our duty, it's the least we can do.
US Army now allows religious exceptions for Sikhs 20 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
As they should...and I wish this admirable gentlemen could see how much I appreciate his service. Muslims in our society are treated terribly out of fear and ignorance. An American is an American and race, color, and religious belief come second. Thank you for your service to all who sacrifice for me and my life. I have had 4 friends in the past couple years who paid the ultimate price, they died for their brothers and sisters....and believe me what god they believe in or what color they were doesn't matter when they're dieing in your arms after months of them watching your back. When you are taking to the mother of the guy who doesn't ever come home they are your blood.
Psst...I'm really not sorry for the long posts 5 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Thank you, I thought it rather clever.
Indian farmer on his formerly productive land now rendered barren by drought 13 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Everyone and I do mean everyone should watch "A World Without Water" We desperately need to be informed and take better care of our planet before it's too late. If I get down voted it's ok...if just one person watches it, if just one person cares..I know it's long but we need to care because no one seems to.
12 · Edited 8 years ago
Double standards 9 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
We have to get out and vote! It's our responsibility to our country. This is just the fine line we walk in the society we've choose. This is every Americans responsibly. It's up to us!
Indian farmer on his formerly productive land now rendered barren by drought 13 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Actually look it up, Coca-Cola plant in an area of India is drained the water supply. Wells are empty, canals that were full are empty and the Coca-Cola company denied it of course, but they never had a problem until they moved in. It takes like 3 cups of water to make one Coke. It's ruining farms, this is what the people depends on for food, water, and income. It will ruin the entire area and hurt everyone.
Every mom taking a picture 4 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Need glasses
This road 8 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Because it's fun
"What kind of tattoo do I want? I dunno, I like cats and pizza..." 8 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
This is actually a good idea for something permanent
How to tell if your math book is outdated 3 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
It becomes a history book