

Are you checking me out?

— skittles Report User
Bucket list material! 6 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
HOT TUB! Giggity Giggity, giggity goo...
Screw you 11 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
You could have easily gotten this covered by something not so stupid.
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
That's the old testament and they use that as an example of what not to do, after Jesus begins his teaching people they were living in the wrong way...Jesus stopped them and said "Let the man without sin cast the first stone." Jesus goes on to say "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord" The bible tells us NOT TO JUDGE one another "Judge not, yet ye be judged" so no...the old testament tells of how horrible it was before Christ and then the new testament tells everyone what to do instead.
2 · Edited 8 years ago
All of them 11 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Oh dear lawd, what just happened.
Please be my friend, I'm so alone. 9 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Yes thank you, it was quite awhile ago but I don't think anyone ever can stop missing a pet. Once you make an animal friend they'll always be apart of you.
8 · Edited 8 years ago
US Army now allows religious exceptions for Sikhs 20 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Just fucking don't!
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
The people who are doing bad in the name of religion isn't even going by the religion they're claiming to be! These different religions doctrine doesn't say to hurt people, it says the exact opposite. These people would hurt and kill other people if they never heard of thier has nothing to do with religion at all. That's like saying people are bad for thier race, a group of a certain race are terrorizing everyone so the whole race is just bad and we must do away with's just plain wrong.
Please be my friend, I'm so alone. 9 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
It does, but honestly a raccoon would jack that cat up. They're bad asses if you piss them off. I had one ;-) best decision of my life. He passed away though. :"(
Get a boyfriend in a few steps 14 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Maybe we can just grab a hold of the one we want and not let go?
Title: The describing. 10 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
This is beautiful, I sang right along seeing the impala just burning rubber down the highway.
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
That's more like agnostic
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
You're going to argue that you don't believe in God because it's just "A work of fiction" but you're using a list someone just made up to argue it? Do you see the issue I have here?
I need these 6 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Thank you, for doing what I was too lazy to do for myself. *hands iccarus a cookie*
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I'm not trying to get you to believe it, I'm not trying to get you to like it, and I'm not going to debate it with I'm presuming an atheist. I am saying that I am religious, I believe in science, I don't hate anyone, and if religion itself taught hate and bigotry then I would be a hateful bigot. It is in human nature to be greedy, to harm others, and to hate what they don't understand. If you want that to stop, then religion isn't where you should be looking it's science....somewhere yet to be found, in our brain, or chemistry, maybe our DNA that causes people to be hate and greed filled. If this were a science experiment then you would have data, if you took data from everyone and broke it down into 2 groups (one being religious people and one being non religious people) and you tested them for greed, hate, ect...You would see that religion has nothing to do with our human nature...and human nature is all science.
I need these 6 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Omg buy now button please?
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Ok, my bible teaches me what I believe to be true and it is a book that is history. I'm not just knowing in my heart, although I do feel faith in God. I know that most people believe that in order to believe in God I can't believe in science, but I see it differently. I believe that God is the ultimate scientist. He knows all and has seen all, the same way a scientist in a lab closely watches his work. In the bible, I believe that God only tells us a very small amount of information and in a way people will understand, if you think about the mindset of people back then it would be more convincing to explain everything the way the bible does if you want them to believe it...knowing that after it gets passed down over time the belief will stay strong. It also tells you in the bible (mine at least) that there's much more god wants to teach us but we'd not understand yet. I chose to believe in this, but I also am making a choice when I believe other history books.
Such a wonderful doggy host 9 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
A good opener for ear scratches :)
The Answer to Unrequited Love 21 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Abort trying. ABORT! How could I be so wrong?
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
YCW you're just picking certain people who fit your opinion and that's exactly what the people who preach hate with a bible in thier hand is doing with thier religion.
The Answer to Unrequited Love 21 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Because it never hurts to try
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
A belief in religion isn't an absence of the knowledge of science. I consider myself to be Christian, but I've never not loved science or never not believed scientific facts. Choosing to have either faith or science is a choice.
So majestic 9 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Please don't yell. I'M A FRAGILE FLOWER DAMNIT!
Guys like girls who 63 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
It's not about religions though, it's people. One person will preach about hatred and bigotry and another will teach of love and forgiveness, even if we all woke up tomorrow and didn't remember any of our religious beliefs we'd still have hate. Unfortunately you are asking to get rid of religion but what you really want rid of is sin.
How to tell if your AC kicks on 2 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
I'm laughing so freaking hard!
So majestic 9 comments
skittles · 8 years ago
Hey it's a forests puppy trying to be a water horse!