

— Skybirds15 Report User
Lets hear your thoughts! 17 comments
skybirds15 · 5 years ago
Since when is a straw a cylinder it’s got that hole in it. Cylinders are solid throughout, or at least st the ends, which differentiates it from a torus. To explain: take a torus, designate an up and down, then align the hole of the torus along the up/down dierection so you can go from up to down through the hole, then stretch the torus out along the up/down line so the hole doesn’t move. Now you’ve got a big straw with thick walls. Fortunately we can just thin the walls out until we’re satisi and presto a straw
Disgusting tasteless Armadillo 8 comments
skybirds15 · 5 years ago
Nah there’s a bunch of chans
Buenos Dias to yah 12 comments
skybirds15 · 5 years ago
Yep bye
Women should suicide more to fill the gap 37 comments
skybirds15 · 6 years ago
Hey, worked for Shaun king, and the not-feminists are still called feminists. Unfortunately, it seems society is that corruptible. Or, at least, the definitions of labels are.
Look how far we've come 3 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
If anything is going to cause world peace it's our mutual love for Pokemon
Just a reminder, there are more than just the two stooges on the ballot. 56 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
Also Jill Stein, the Green Party candidate. If any year is a serious year for 3rd parties, it's this one.
Are men not allowed to be gentlemen anymore? 30 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
I'm pretty sure you treat royalty like royalty becuase they have more important things to care about, like running a country or in this case, being happy that the world they live in involves people who care enough about other people that they would remove a nessessary action for them. If somebody held the door open, that means that it only had to be opened once for everyone who went through, saving them the admittly miniscule but still existent effort of opening it themselves.
With all the concrete and security systems, a Supermax is probably the best place to be 7 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
Well yeah where did you think all the raiders came from? Wal-mart?
How to be a True American 10 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
The no-true-American fallacy, back at it again. We all know that the Eagles are the superior beings and owning them only shows how misguided you are.
Abandoned hospital had a visitor 13 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
The lengths people will go to find a safe place to have a cheeky wank.
This hit me hard 25 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
Simple solution: have no friends that think being outside is a good thing
Don't forget it! 5 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
This is why commas can be put around jack, so people don't have to care about the shift key.
Well...kay then. 6 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
I think someone went a little too crazy from finalits
Should we learn taxes... 16 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
Math major ftw
Priority placement 7 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
I think is was the dog's idea rather than the wife's.
Are men not allowed to be gentlemen anymore? 30 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
Whatever happened to people wanting to be treated like royalty? Have you considered that they're doing that stuff because they feel that you are above it, instead if in need of pity?
American Horror Story: underage sex objects meant to be judged by adults bc that's okay... 12 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
Proof that reality tv has gone too far- people look like dolls. Also applies to the kardashians.
Now that's a bat burn 26 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
Batman can defeat any foe, given time to prepare, and even with no preparation could probably still win through sheer cunning and gadgetry. The reason the joker is his greatest for is because he cannot be predicted, and therefore cannot be prepared for.
It's All About Finding Your Other Half 19 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
I thought this myth was only found in plato's symposium and nowhere else in Greek history
But still it's odd to think how the ancient Greeks were more accepting of homosexuals to the point where this made sense
It has really gone too far 17 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
Who the hell used msn?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, everybody. 26 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
The thing is, about Islam, is that it objectively states in the Quran that women are worth less than men. A significant number of Muslims polled believe that sharia law should be implemented, meaning that governmentally women would be worth less than men. How does this not impress women? (Side note: it looks like it hurts her to blink, from the dead state she gives most of the video...)
This Guy Escapes His House During A Tornado 7 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
New winner for the luckiest man alive award.
The Pacer was hell Y-Y rip athletic show off kids who prolly died 49 comments
skybirds15 · 8 years ago
We had to do it every day for a good 2 weeks. After 5 days my legs didn't work and I couldn't run anymore.