User slamdunkey Banned
Well then 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Greatest hand ever played so far
Edited 8 years ago
Seriously everyone knows about it 24 comments
· 8 years ago
welcome to 2016, where it's too soon to make jokes about any tragedy ever
welcome to 2016, where it's too soon to make jokes about any tragedy ever
Uhm being naked... so nice, so much freedom 4 comments
I think we are on to something 9 comments
· 8 years ago
But the other comments on this post so far are from posers, I don't think they're really helping at all
But the other comments on this post so far are from posers, I don't think they're really helping at all
Cargo shorts 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Fuck you, BuzzFeed, I'll wear whatever the hell I want
Piss off back to Tumblr safe space
Piss off back to Tumblr safe space
thanks 4chan 30 comments
· 8 years ago
Well I identify as a six-legged ostrich with wheels. Check your SAM privilege at the door, shitlord
Fanboys 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Here's the full video transcript:
Step 1: open up your choice of web browser (I like Internet Epxlorer XD loel)
Step 2: get out of your bed
Step 3: flee the chemotherapy ward because you Sonic fans are literally cancer
Step 1: open up your choice of web browser (I like Internet Epxlorer XD loel)
Step 2: get out of your bed
Step 3: flee the chemotherapy ward because you Sonic fans are literally cancer
It makes since now! 4 comments
Samurai warriors, late 1800s 7 comments
Mark it on your calendar folks 4 comments
· 8 years ago
i can usually see it during the day though
kinda towards that late afternoon period
kinda towards that late afternoon period
Dufuq? 14 comments
Scary yet amazing 11 comments
· 8 years ago
>mfw I'd need an actual link for that
>mfw you expect some random internet user to do actual work for an image
>mfw you expect some random internet user to do actual work for an image
Scary yet amazing 11 comments
· 8 years ago
>mfw youcannotwin is redpilled and everyone else who downvoted him is literally bluepilled
>mfw what the fuck is this actually the Matrix or some shit
>mfw using greentext on FunSubstance
>mfw internet
>mfw what the fuck is this actually the Matrix or some shit
>mfw using greentext on FunSubstance
>mfw internet
"Why do guys lick their lips?" 22 comments
· 8 years ago
because if you don't they get drier than the Sahara if you know what I mean
How progressive of them 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Because yecharon's a closet faggot who's too ashamed to admit it, that's why