User slamdunkey Banned
Guys like girls who 63 comments
· 8 years ago
...religious men are like the Pope (the 9/11 bombers for example),
but when someone that important in the worlds largest religion is doing everything right - we have to accept that in the modern age, religion isn't that bad.
My point is, people can believe whatever the fuck they want, but they just shouldn't be assholes about it.
Edited 8 years ago
but when someone that important in the worlds largest religion is doing everything right - we have to accept that in the modern age, religion isn't that bad.
My point is, people can believe whatever the fuck they want, but they just shouldn't be assholes about it.
Guys like girls who 63 comments
· 8 years ago
good argument here guys.
I'm really on the fence for this one. Yeah, I don't believe in any higher power, but that's just how I am. I naturally doubt things like that. I really don't think it'd be possible for me to have faith of any kind. That's why I believe in science, I guess. Cold hard facts that continue to explain our world. So while I do agree with YCW on that - YCW, you can't deny all the good that some people are doing in the name of religion. The current Pope is extraordinarily progressive, and he's doing all he can to help everyone, especially those in poverty. He doesn't hate gays, he doesn't reject science, he just wants to help. Now, I know that not all...
I'm really on the fence for this one. Yeah, I don't believe in any higher power, but that's just how I am. I naturally doubt things like that. I really don't think it'd be possible for me to have faith of any kind. That's why I believe in science, I guess. Cold hard facts that continue to explain our world. So while I do agree with YCW on that - YCW, you can't deny all the good that some people are doing in the name of religion. The current Pope is extraordinarily progressive, and he's doing all he can to help everyone, especially those in poverty. He doesn't hate gays, he doesn't reject science, he just wants to help. Now, I know that not all...
Rap is a low quality genre if you ask me 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Confront, blunt, nigga, bicycle
Undone, hunt, tripper, tricycle
Riding, hop, burn marks, my cycle
Hiding, flop, turban, icicle
Undone, hunt, tripper, tricycle
Riding, hop, burn marks, my cycle
Hiding, flop, turban, icicle
Shots Fired 5 comments
Guys like girls who 63 comments
· 8 years ago
you guys can burn whatever the fuck you want, I'll be destroying Fifty Shades of Grey
Soulmates explained scientifically 22 comments
2016 5 comments
The Achilles's heel 4 comments
Everyone needs milk 7 comments
Because I'm Undertale trash 11 comments
· 8 years ago
As long as you don't do any of the following
a) make rule 34 fan art of Undertale
b) write Undertale fanfiction
c) call it the best game ever and all other games are trash
- then we don't have a problem. Besides, it's Smooth! Everyone loves Smooth! He's like Jesus cloned 8 times and singing all together!
a) make rule 34 fan art of Undertale
b) write Undertale fanfiction
c) call it the best game ever and all other games are trash
- then we don't have a problem. Besides, it's Smooth! Everyone loves Smooth! He's like Jesus cloned 8 times and singing all together!
Bath time just got serious 4 comments
· 8 years ago
"You turn on the blue tap, the bathtime ends. Tub fills with cold water, you get out and regret your decision. You turn on the red tap, and you get to see just how deep the plug hole goes."
Batman v Superman 14 comments
· 8 years ago
yeah, that was the whole publicity stunt gimmick, similar to what Arthur Conan Doyle did with Sherlock Holmes
kill off the main character to get attention
kill off the main character to get attention
Busy as a butterfly 11 comments
· 8 years ago
That's just the way the World Trade Center crumbles.
Edited 8 years ago
Everyone is wondering! 22 comments
We shouldn't just remove all religion, we should remove all those who do evil shit IN THE NAME of religion