Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack
— smbadat Report User
Welcome to life 23 comments
· 7 years ago
Jeez, this post is a year old. Don't comment on old shit
Step up your freedom game america 6 comments
· 7 years ago
If naturally occurring oil is formed from decomposed organic material, then did titan have life in the past?
Ex-Ter-Mi-Nate!!! 14 comments
The Cast of Thor Ragnarok compared to their Comic Book counterparts 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Not sure about the comics, but in Norse mythology, she was born half dead, and so half of her is dead while the other half is alive
When two people realize I'm back 11 comments
· 7 years ago
I saw a person who looked very similar to what I remember you looking like making videos on YouTube, was wondering if it was you or not
When two people realize I'm back 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Hey! Welcome back.
Strange question but, by any chance, do you have a YouTube channel?
Strange question but, by any chance, do you have a YouTube channel?
Tyrannosaurus rekt 27 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, i don't get why people are so weirder out by it. It's basically unintense furry porn
That's right b*tch 4 comments
Tyrannosaurus rekt 27 comments
One day, the old gods will return 30 comments
One day, the old gods will return 30 comments
· 7 years ago
These are just random pics from the internet.
The 2nd one is Progenitus, a card from Magic the Gathering. Granted, he was revered as an ancient god in the storyline
The 2nd one is Progenitus, a card from Magic the Gathering. Granted, he was revered as an ancient god in the storyline
Bannana hooting 17 comments
· 7 years ago
My parrots absolutely hate bamboo sticks. One of them will run away from them if they move near him, the other will attack it at first, then run away from it. My dad put a bunch of them around the house in areas he doesn't want them to be
Never forget: SJWs got plebcomics fired 29 comments
· 7 years ago
Alright, what she should do is keep her page active, and make a patreon site, so she can get money from those that enjoy her comics