

Hi guys! I like food and drawing and snow and watching TV. And I do believe it's not butter.

— Snowroll Report User
This is what happens when you have iritis & they only dilate one 5 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Wouldn't it be bad for your eyesight? You'd have to wear an eyepatch or something over the dilated one.
It's dangerous in prison 63 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
You rape ANYONE, you get what's coming. I have absolutely no sympathy for this man.
Japan is doing it right 9 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Their diets are generally better than western countries.
First word of the year 13 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
And their last word is "One".
Ten Mysteries That Will Have You Scratching Your Head 32 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
To put that first one in practice, we'd have to get rid of 6.5 Billion people - we'd redefine the word Genocide. The other nine though, those are great!
I've never thought about it like that before 21 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
When I was in the fourth grade I was messing with fonts and I came across Biondi. I thought it was coolest font ever and copied it, and now it's really hard to not write everything in capital letters.
Mr Jackson, I missed something 14 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Two things:
- I wouldn't mind the third movie if it weren't for Alfrid. Fucking Alfrid, man.
- Bard looks ripped on that cover.
Best part from The Interview 4 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
This is 2014. Men are smart now.
I'm a man and I like fit girls but this is just awful 23 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
The "fat girls" this post "mentioned" are the ones doing the insulting. Could they have eating disorders? Absolutely, and that's terrible, it really is.
Is them insulting other people's bodies going to HELP their eating disorder? No, not one bit.
No matter the reasoning; if you insult someone else's body to make YOURSELF feel better, you're an asshole, and nobody owes you a thing.
Nifty inventions 14 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Also the metal gets really cold and holding them is a pain. I want a drink, not frostbite.
He was around 6600lb and 6foot 6inches (172 bananas) 11 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Look, it's your mom.
[I couldn't resist]
Who? 10 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Surely you mean Bendystraw Cabbagepatch.
One of the most revolutionary scenes in a movie ever 10 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
YOU TELL ME WHERE MY SUIT IS, WOMAN, we are talking about the greater GOOD!
She looked 17 14 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
ALMOST 14 year old. She's 13. God, why.
22 · Edited 10 years ago
*epic tearbending* 13 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
But...friends for life...
I like to think the Avatar's pet gets reincarnated with them. Like Roku's dragon. And Naga. And the deer-cougar thing.
Someone Said You Look Like An Owl 9 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
It seems like we alternate between horribly severe winters and super mild ones, huh?
On the plus side, lovely day today.
For Gamers 24 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Casual here!
People stink, but not always. 15 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
But one did - it's a start, right?
Internet explorer 25 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
World War.
People stink, but not always. 15 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
I'm completely speculating here, so don't take my word for it - but maybe the lack of money really stressed everyone out, made them fight about the money. I know how it feels to see family members fighting, it's really a terrible feeling. Maybe he wanted to escape that.
Again, just an idea. I know absolutely nothing about this family - for all I know, they're the Brady Bunch.
People stink, but not always. 15 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Maybe they couldn't afford comfort and technology because his family put the money to his education instead.
You can train your brain to slow down time by noticing more details 4 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
This is actually INCREDIBLY explanatory. Thanks for posting!
If you have any questions you want answered... 19 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Ain't that the truth.
Well, Aren't They? 15 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Someone give Sheldon a cookie.
When will my reflection show... 6 comments
snowroll · 10 years ago
Thanks a bunch! You da real MVP.