Hi guys! I like food and drawing and snow and watching TV. And I do believe it's not butter.
— Snowroll Report User
Nothing will EVER level with this 13 comments
· 10 years ago
"Oh, the games will begin,"
Humanity 12 comments
· 10 years ago
If she was tired enough and there wasn't any other shelter, i'm sure a bit of water wouldn't bother her, y'know? Strays tend to be real tough that way.
'Murica 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I assure you, all the American shaming made us stop caring a LONG time ago.
Original and cartoon network 12 comments
The Hobbit... It's over 38 comments
Well... *I* thought it was funny 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I feel ya, bro.
"Am I the only one who..."
Like, no. No, you're not.
You're NOT the only person who would date someone who would stay home and watch Netflix, you're NOT the only person who prefers classy suits to "douchebags", and you're NOT the only person who would rather listen to punk rock and the Beatles than pop.
Special snowflakes can be the most irritating people on the internet.
"Am I the only one who..."
Like, no. No, you're not.
You're NOT the only person who would date someone who would stay home and watch Netflix, you're NOT the only person who prefers classy suits to "douchebags", and you're NOT the only person who would rather listen to punk rock and the Beatles than pop.
Special snowflakes can be the most irritating people on the internet.
Me All The Time 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I think it WAS that episode. Like, Josh was lifting weights, Drake shot him with the potato gun, and he dropped it.
I love this show, man.
I love this show, man.
War Of 1812 26 comments
· 10 years ago
The War of 1812 was actually fought in 1813, because it took that long to get the message to Britain.
Who hath released the hounds 8 comments
Stop one, you stop them all 10 comments
· 10 years ago
The guys underneath get no money, and neither do the guys under them, or under them. So they all stop.
Whoever raised this kid, you deserve my bow and respect 23 comments
· 10 years ago
But don't forget; if a girl is attacking you or doing something crazy, you have every right to smack her down. Don't go thinking people of the female gender can't take a punch when your life is in danger. Self defense, yo.
The Hobbit... It's over 38 comments