True force 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Taking the meaning of "stand power" to a whole new level
If you remember them you must be pretty old now 10 comments
Basically Rick from Rick & Morty 3 comments
Max caulfield - fanart 3 comments
Share in the comments 7 comments
Share in the comments 7 comments
· 5 years ago
Half asleep and dead tired on my way to school and had to rush to get to class. Was maybe 10 inches away from getting hit by a speeding train. 5 minutes after that I get bumped by a motorcycle and grazes my leg (wasn't that bad) and I still made it in time for class which with a minute to spare
Those ninja cutting onion again 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I had a similar experience with my deceased grandmother during her death anniversary which just so happened to be my graduation practice as well. It was during our lunch break and a lot of people kept telling me there was a brown butterfly on my back and no matter what anyone did to shoo it away, it just wouldn't fly away and I eventually told them to leave it be. Where I'm from, we believed that the dead usually visit the living in the form of a brown butterfly and it stayed on my back for around 30 minutes until I was done eating and then left. I almost broke down in tears when I realized it was my grandma's anniversary that day and dropped by to see how much I had grown.
We live in a world with these people 7 comments
Wry lush worried Wildcat 6 comments
dust 3 comments
Keanu can turn wine into water 5 comments
Just a title 12 comments