"Sometimes it is the people that no one imagines anything off, who do the things that no one can imagine." - TIG
I have a Lady title. Proud to be Norwegian.
I Think I'll Pass, Heather 16 comments
· 10 years ago
They look so alike - I think they're twins!
Edited 10 years ago
Irish roads 8 comments
· 10 years ago
We have some roads in Norway that have crazy speed limits, because they set the limits after how many roads leading to houses/farms there is. This one road 5 min from here is SO bad, holes and cracks and it goes like a fucking snake on meth, with 80* bends and step ditches on both sides - and the speed limit is 80 kmt/h. I have never seen anyone manage to keep that speed and the best I've done is 60 and it's terrefying!
Spring onions 10 comments
The Piano Guys, Lindsey Stirling, etc anyone? 66 comments
· 10 years ago
Alexander Rybak won Eurovision in 09, and still has the record on getting the most votes.
Hiker's resting hut in Iceland 5 comments
He hit the hay 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Okey, to clearify:
1. Horses only sleep 2-3 hours a day. They can just stand there and rest aswell, but deep sleep is only for 2-3 hours.
2. Not all horses lay down to sleep, and they certanly don't NEED to. Hence horses beeing "flight, not fight" animals it feels safer for them to stand.
3. It's most common for foals, young and very old horses to lay down sleeping. It has to do with their balanse not beeing 100%.
4. It's very hard on their lungs to lay down for long periods of time, becouse of the amount of preasure they get, so again; it's safer for them to stand.
5. This does NOT mean that it's any danger when the horse lays down to sleep, at any age or time of day. If the horse feels safe (usually with other horses around to warn about predators) and sleepy, they often do.
Comming from someone who's been around horses all her life, went to school to learn about horses and horsetraining and now IS a horsetrainer, and owns 3 horses.
1. Horses only sleep 2-3 hours a day. They can just stand there and rest aswell, but deep sleep is only for 2-3 hours.
2. Not all horses lay down to sleep, and they certanly don't NEED to. Hence horses beeing "flight, not fight" animals it feels safer for them to stand.
3. It's most common for foals, young and very old horses to lay down sleeping. It has to do with their balanse not beeing 100%.
4. It's very hard on their lungs to lay down for long periods of time, becouse of the amount of preasure they get, so again; it's safer for them to stand.
5. This does NOT mean that it's any danger when the horse lays down to sleep, at any age or time of day. If the horse feels safe (usually with other horses around to warn about predators) and sleepy, they often do.
Comming from someone who's been around horses all her life, went to school to learn about horses and horsetraining and now IS a horsetrainer, and owns 3 horses.
I need a fridge like this 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, this is not a fridge, but a wine cellar. Nothing you see in the picture is supposed to be chilled.
Anyone fancy a marathon? 19 comments
I really hope she comes back, anyone else? 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I watch Doctor Who when I'm on the mill, and I've been thinking about starting a "run when they run" program. Should get fit preeeetty fast.
Edited 10 years ago
Anyone fancy a marathon? 19 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm so glad I started watching Doctor Who. It's seriously you lot on FS who made me watch it, becouse of stuff like this ^ I owe you one.
Daily dose of knowledge 34 comments
*glances frantically at him* 7 comments
· 10 years ago
When my friends have celebrity crushes their all like "I just need one night with him.. if you know what I mean." and I'm just sitting there like "If I got the opertunity I would make dinner with him. And if I could get a hug when he leaves at 11pm, that would be nice.."
The inside of this iPad case is made of old toothpaste boxes 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Not sure if angry becouse of old toothpaste boxes, or happy becouse of recycling..
How to organize your icons 12 comments
The Norwegian king and Queen 7 comments
Cross my fingers! 4 comments
Never Give Your I pod to a 6 year old 11 comments