

sovereign Report User
Interesting boob job 5 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
That seems like a long trip. Do you really want your breasts slapped that badly?
9 · Edited 10 years ago
Best. Fish tank. Ever 8 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Sorry, thegrumpus, but your turtle is in another tank.
5 · Edited 10 years ago
The best advice Tracy gave us 8 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
*whispers matter-of-factly* Well then, it doesn't seem like the statement, "dress like you could be murdered in those clothes," is very good motivation for you.
The best advice Tracy gave us 8 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Don't worry, I'm not planning on doing it so messily.
My dorm mate is kind of my hero now 27 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
@pripyatplatypus, I would argue that the right to live is a basic human right. If a society determines that it can kill some of its people, it implicitly has to make the statement that those people do not have the right to live. For instance, most societies euthanize stray animals because they do not recognize that those animals have human rights.
· Edited 10 years ago
My dorm mate is kind of my hero now 27 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
I'll give you that there are some opinionated assholes; these individuals refuse to think outside their comfort zone, and they are a general nuisance in the comments. But there are also a good number of people who can calmly discuss a controversial issue. FS is a small enough community that these people can be easily located, and I think new perspectives are always worth hearing.
False advertising 5 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Even if you are the most responsible person on the planet, that's still like being the biggest minnow in the ocean. Seriously, these dogs have to fight through a lot of dungeons to amass their fortune. They're not gonna just hand it off to some dumb primate.
My dorm mate is kind of my hero now 27 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
They are enemies? You are telling me that a good portion of the people who argue on this site do not respect each other. What information is this premise based on?
You've also noted how half this post's comments are related to some position in an argument. Heck, if we took out all the comments that relate to a position (including the comments in this string) we would only have on left (see g's comment). But when we look at all the posts in FS, very few of them are so polarizing. There really isn't reason to believe FS is becoming a battleground.
My dorm mate is kind of my hero now 27 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Well I don't know about you, but I have a splendid time reading and responding to the worldviews of others. The internet's all about diversity, and occasionally two parties fight each other, but that hardly means they have become enemies. Also, you have to remember that a lot of these post contain arguments in and of themselves, and it is only fair that the users respond in kind.
False advertising 5 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Fun fact: Golden retrievers really do retrieve gold. They just don't give it to you. And can you blame 'em? I mean, you're not the most responsible person on the planet.
My dorm mate is kind of my hero now 27 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
World War II was an atrocity, and I have no doubt that your family suffered greatly from it. But I am arguing that, at the core of the Holocaust, you had a bunch of people who were willing to say, "You are different from me, therefore you do not deserve the same rights of a normal human being." Sometimes, this sentiment leads to genocide, as was the case during the Holocaust. Other times, it leads to segregated water fountains. Still other times, it prevents people from getting married.
My dorm mate is kind of my hero now 27 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Nazism: The arbitrary belief that Jews are inferior to those of Aryan descendence. Since Jews are inferior, they do not deserve the same rights as Aryans.
Homophobia: The arbitrary belief that heterosexuals people can marry whom they are attracted to, but homosexuals cannot; in other words, homosexuals do not deserve the same rights as heterosexuals.
I disagree with Nazism because I hold the idea that people have the freedom to pursue happiness regardless of race or religion.
I Disagree with homophobia because I I hold the idea that people have the freedom to pursue happiness regardless of sexual preference.
How easy is to deal with women 12 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Men don't like generalizations either, as seen in the comments of this FS post:
Late night queries 22 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
We can easily test this hypothesis. If it were true, two people in the same room on the same drugs would see similar things.
56 · Edited 10 years ago
God's water 9 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Ever wake up hungry as hell, and a piece of fruit tastes like it came from God's personal garden? Wait a minute . . .
How easy is to deal with women 12 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
So this is possibly a feminist-y comment:
Whenever I see posts like this, I always imagine the original poster being like, "Geez, my girlfriend/wife did something I find irrational. Rather than discuss the issue with her, I'm gonna post a meme on the internet. I'll title it 'Women, am I right?' "
Sounds good to me. 44 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Well, somebody's a little slut. No, I kid, I kid.
But really, you may end up serving women who you do not at all find attractive.
Cat tips 3 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
"Trying to establish dominance, eh? I'll have none of it, human!"
This is a really concerning question 12 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Explanation: Evolutionary spare change. The Cars' ancestors had need of teeth in the past, but their species has since changed, and they just haven't gotten around to evolving away these redundant parts. Similarly, people have things like wisdom teeth, and appendixes, and those brain bits that tells you exactly how you could dispose of the body of that person who disagreed with you on the internet.
This rocks 16 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
You're gonna drop this one on me? Seriously? I haven't gotten over the legs-or-hot-dogs memes yet.
8 ton Orca jumps nearly 20 ft out of the water. Damn animal kingdom, you crazy 12 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
"Lol, I'm an airplane."
"I can see my house from here."
"Ahhgg, something touched my foot!"
#nofilter 6 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
The dentist who owns this tank has no idea what his fish are plotting.
Communism from space 4 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Arguably, the only instance of true communism is in ant colonies. But, yeah, places like North Korea are more dictatorships than they were communist regimes. Likewise, a lot of other countries have elements of communism or socialism. Except America, of course. And anyone one who says otherwise is a red-bellied communist from Salem.
· Edited 10 years ago
Quantum disinterest 13 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
Extremely cold things, like liquid hydrogen, can also burn you.
Tom old spice 34 comments
sovereign · 10 years ago
*Gets to last panel* *Squints at Loki*
20 · Edited 10 years ago