After a festival 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Well if there are 0 places to put trash then that's terrible event planning. They still should just stick all their trash in their car or wherever and take it with them to make up for terrible event management, but if this scene really needs to be avoided they just need to give people a quick and convenient place to put their trash. Most people Will choose a yeah can over the ground if the yeah is close enough
This is why I'm not a Catholic Christian 19 comments
· 6 years ago
is that supposed to be it, that bell is way to big to be solid gold, it's pretty much guaranteed gold-plated
The eighth wonder of the world 6 comments
Natural Selection by Seatbelt 8 comments
Before and after drinking alcohol 12 comments
· 6 years ago
alcohol dilates blood vessels, causing a more reddish appearance (on a side note it also brings a rush of warmth to the outer parts of your body if you're cold, although this lowers the temperature of such things as the heart, lungs, and brain)
Guy makes an amazing tiny knife out of a simple bolt 14 comments
· 6 years ago
only if you properly heat-treat it, otherwise it will be dangerously brittle
Something to think about 5 comments
· 6 years ago
True enough, but then we also have to concede the nice European plants (such as wheat) that came with the nice European honey bees, which would be less than fun. and would probably take at least a few humans with them.
Earth is dying 10 comments
· 6 years ago
Earth is actually .128% water by volume, or 2.26*(10^-5)% water by weight.
Nice bed 1 comments
The City Museum in St. Louis, Missouri 2 comments
Hmmmm *contemplates imaginary life* 51 comments
· 6 years ago
ah, but it says REfill everything, which means that the preferred thing would have had to have been there at one point
Gaming in the bathroom 8 comments
Everyday story 1 comments
This is so extraordinary that I started crying 11 comments
Shopping carts should be in the middle of the store 2 comments
· 7 years ago
As a cart pusher at a Wal-Mart, this is a terrible idea
Edited 7 years ago
Middle East Spiraling Out of Control 5 comments
This guy has 'mad game' 13 comments
Only happens when you do drug 1 comments