If I don't say it's mine it's not mine please don't assume otherwise, all the horror stories are not mine
— SpaceWolf Report User
She isn't even single! 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Yup I went to hang out with my best friend(we dont get to see each other often since we go to different schools)we went to the mall and this guy, he was not drop dead gorgeous but he was pretty cute skater looking guy, comes to talk to me I'm by myself cuz my friend went to the bathroom and inside I'm all happy and shit and we talk for a lil bit and then he says " so hey do me a favor" and I'm all exited and answer yah and he says " your friend is pretty cute is she single" and if you listened closely you could hear the sound of my heart breaking into little tiny peices (_-_)
Oh,the irony.. 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Ok so I've noticed that someone down votes all the new posts and that's just not nice 0-0 so who ever it is I know you have a right to down vote anything you like but all the posts you don't like every post???!!
When it's 4 am and I'm still on the internet.. 40 comments
README: It's NSFW bcuz Naruto spoiler(unless ur caught up) 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Lol wooh dude that's so far back ! You have a lot to catch up on if you're really stressed on time I would suggest reading the manga it's not all the same but you get the jist of what's happening in the show too one show is basically a chapter or so
The only thing we have to fear 10 comments
The only thing we have to fear 10 comments
The only thing we have to fear 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Who down votes when some one asks a question sometimes you just don't know and FDR was a very particular man idk if he said this 0-0
The only thing we have to fear 10 comments
How the earth is like now 25 comments
Never forget 22 comments
A lot of us Funsubstancers can relate 20 comments
A lot of us Funsubstancers can relate 20 comments
Have A Gay Day :-) 77 comments