Brenton Sprangers


Brenton Sprangers Report User
Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO 5 comments
sprangb · 7 years ago
Camera resaprosity is one of the hardest things I have had to learn.
Well this is awkward 7 comments
sprangb · 7 years ago
You do realize that because the Harry Potter movies already exist people can watch them at anytime. They run most of the movies on TV every other weekend. So it's not like they wouldn't be able know of her.
3. Fail Ross' math test cause her handwriting is shit 9 comments
sprangb · 7 years ago
Step three. Profit.
How can you tell? 2 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
Just a heads up that show will be off Netflix soon
Trench coats can do wonders 38 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
Unless you're ugly. Then you look like you're going to shoot a place up.
Intense and innocent at the same time 5 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
I think that's has a lot to do with the lighting of this photo.
He has a point. 10 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
Vader didn't even rule the galaxy. He was a glorified errand boy for the Emperor. And I still believe that he is more powerful and successful than Voldemort.
Have you ever thought about it? 9 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
For me that was beer pong
Finally something good in 2016 16 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
All of you know pandas are kind of useless right? They eat a crap tone of bamboo. More than can grow in that given area... That's a lot. They have awful physical skills, and can't get out of their own way. You only like them cause they're cute. And they don't even try to reproduce.
· Edited 8 years ago
Facts 18 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
My family owns a portion of the Packers.
Maybe the universe is deleting itself 14 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
Is it possible that this is the center of the universe? Could that be where the Big Bang happened? It's empty because everything is traveling away from that spot. We estimate the universe to be about 14 billion years old. Gravity slowed the expansion of the universe for a while. Possibly making up the difference between 14 and 10 billion. (I am not a scientist by any means. I just thought this up instead of studying for my finals)
Rare white lobster caught out of Stonington, ME 14 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
Bull. Ever been to Calias?
Skeletons unearthed from the catacombs of rome 20 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
Wow I would only need to find 17 more skeletons like this to pay off my college tuition.
When people rage because you're "camping" 5 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
I call it an ambush
Would you go for it? 26 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
First of all. Did you just assume my nationality?! You were right, but I still don't appreciate it.
Second. I did google the conversion. It was like $21,000-ish or something like that.
· Edited 8 years ago
What did humans do to deserve dogs! 5 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
I felt nothing when I read a toddler was killed in a fire. Then felt a lot when I read about the dog.
Would you go for it? 26 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
The joke.
Your head
Would you go for it? 26 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
NO! I don't even know what that is in real money.
A Real Vacation 20 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
I'm from down east Maine but currently going to school in Bangor. My roommate is from up that way and he said the same thing. There's just not enough students doing it anymore.
A Real Vacation 20 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
We have that in northern Maine in the U.S.
That's more important 2 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
That's easier said than done.
Really why? 22 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
It's not just a concept. Maine did it a few years ago. But it rusted,and broke down too quickly to be worth it.
What a big difference 27 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
I think I hooked a big one.
What a big difference 27 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
Yeah Trump actually holds his own umbrella.
Why couldn't I just stay awake? 6 comments
sprangb · 8 years ago
I always get a boner when start to descend.