Worth it 17 comments
· 9 years ago
That's only 6 minutes of massages per week, OP. Nice work.
Defenitely the most confident man in the world 18 comments
roll* look* nope 15 comments
· 9 years ago
He is saying that he guys are all plugs. Given this reality, the only girls who would want to bang these fuckers would invariably be infested with STDs as they would clearly be willing and able to fuck anything with a heartbeat thus increasing their respective incidence of having an STD.
The characters or the actors themselves? 35 comments
Tumblr takes art class 3 comments
More of this guy! 31 comments
· 9 years ago
It doesn't have to is the point people are making here. So yeah, you can pick and choose those components of capitalism that work best for a society. Countries do it everyday. Otherwise all Liberal Democratic societies across the globe would have identical systems, which they clearly do not.
More of this guy! 31 comments
· 9 years ago
It was intended that 'happiness' was actually 'property'. Life, liberty and the pursuit of property. Owning property is fundamental to a capitalist society like the USA and it is the basis for the vast majority of the property laws in the
Imagine his face after 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Russell Peters for anyone interested in his material. Saw him at a live show; hilarious.
Smart kids = smart population 6 comments
· 9 years ago
And what is a belief? Why should we be concerned if education is in contravention of beliefs? That is actually the point of education. Education > Religious beliefs.
Rip dracula 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Not following the correlation here.
The joke: no one is a virgin in 2015; as Dracula needs virginal blood, he would die.
My comment: well, he would just become a pedophile; he would feed on children, like a secular predator, to maintain life as children are...wait for it
Edited 9 years ago
The joke: no one is a virgin in 2015; as Dracula needs virginal blood, he would die.
My comment: well, he would just become a pedophile; he would feed on children, like a secular predator, to maintain life as children are...wait for it
A very reasonable concern 5 comments
Religious extremists aren't religious 82 comments
Religious extremists aren't religious 82 comments
This simple picture has a very strong message 12 comments
Disney princesses with dope beards 11 comments