Stephen colbert 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah, USA go ahead an blame Putin. Everyone's a fuckin' terrorist hey?
I get that kids cry but c'mon 3 comments
Our Generation Poem ( from Tumblr) 13 comments
· 10 years ago
If you don't like it, do something about it, instead of writing your whiny little cry baby poems.
Warning: doing things may cause things.... 8 comments
· 10 years ago
How about everyone stops being such pussies and do whatever the damn-well please? Hmm?
The Suspense is UnBearable 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Stop downvoting nande12's comment. Where do you think the beef in your shitty McDonald's burgers come from? Do you think chicken just decide, 'oh, better die now, so I can be turned into a 12 piece'. People kill things! Animals kills things! Everybody kills things! So you can go shove your self-righteous little opinions up your arse which I'm sure is holding the crap which contains the meat you at last night.
No title required 10 comments
· 10 years ago
-Puts Cheetos down-Then go feed them you self-righteous bastard! If you want to post preachy, whiny shit like this GO DO SOMETHING ABOUT it instead of pretending you are by posting this dumb-ass quote.-Picks Cheetos back up-
People should realize this now 17 comments
Tries not to cry. Cries a lot. 15 comments
Ask them what is nirvanna 41 comments