
standing for truth, liberty, and cool american Doritos

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All fanboys unite 10 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
It's Wonder Woman Annual #1, in her Rebirth run. It's pretty good
All fanboys unite 10 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
you fool. you buffon. you jester. The lasso works whether or not someone is touching it with skin. Bruce legitimately thinks of himself only as batman, and Bruce is his mask.
8 · Edited 7 years ago
The notorious spoon thief 12 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
A public menace
All fanboys unite 10 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Clark was drawn so adorably in this comic he looks like a child I want to protect him forever.
11 · Edited 7 years ago
Get your jimmies rustled in a fender bender 2 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Jim Moriarty
Dogs are the best 4 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
We don't deserve dogs
Better to be sure 8 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I don't think anything would be really solid if you blew it up.
Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom trying to get that extra inch 3 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I thought they were levitating for a wild second
How they're doing in the comics 8 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
No it's true, but it's an oversimplification. Like they read only the first two pages then called it quits, you know?
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Not All Heroes Wear capes 1 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Dream job honestly
Perks of being related to an avenger 6 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
"You can't put a stick in your eye," is a very Hawkeye thing to say
How they're doing in the comics 8 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I feel like the person who made this took the barest passing glance at a comic.
That's quite sad 42 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
What's his fucking address I just wanna talk
COD 7 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Dick move, dude.
Steve Rogers just got burned 7 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Ouch, Buck.
That's even more brutal than Mi Lai Massacre 15 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I've read this so many times but it still manages to bring me to tears.
9 · Edited 7 years ago
Could be either 7 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
That guys got some bigass feet yo
Skinny, white mermaids are unrealistic 35 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
This type of in-depth mermaid examination is what I live for
Captain firstname lastname 35 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Captain Steve Rogers. I don't know what I was expecting.
So what if I am? 7 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I believe it.
Yoink 5 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Man's best friend
The many girlfriends of Peter Parker 22 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Silk doesn't look anything like that
Celebrities real names 12 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Are you really trying to tell me 50 cent's name isn't 50 cent? Blasphemy!
Me too, Gru 5 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Despicable Me Too