
standing for truth, liberty, and cool american Doritos

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Savage Wendy's 3 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
This is how broke I am.
Someone broke in Buckingham Palace and had a good time 9 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Jim Moriarty. Hi!
Luigi 7 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
mario mario
Luigi 7 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
what the fuck
Kids can say creepy things 6 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Can we add onto this? I too have a creepy young child.
A reminder since the 4th is coming 3 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I'm doing this
There are two types of people when you open your own business 11 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Fuck you monica
Right motivator 3 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
This is a Zombie Run! They host marathons like this all over the country, and they're really fun!
I see no downside to this 8 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I looked at the website and it sounds like they're going to steal my kidneys. I'm going.
Tsundere Cat 7 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I got so fucking sad for a moment
Kids can say creepy things 13 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I used to live in a long house that had a medium sized room near the back. We always kept the door open to it, because our animals liked to go in there and sleep. The room was only used for storage, and due to blackout blinds, generally wasn't very well lit. One day, my 4 year old niece comes over to play, and she keeps looking through the door at this darkened room. Thinking nothing of it, I just disregard it, until it's time to leave, and she waves at it. I ask her why she did that, and she just says, "I'm saying goodbye to the monster." I've never been more freaked out in my life.
Wait what...? 22 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
How tf is that possibly going to work
I am so stupid 81 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
It was a plastic bright green frisbee roughly the circumference of a basketball. At least if it was my shield, it would've been more badass.
4 · Edited 7 years ago
I am so stupid 81 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I broke my thumb playing frisbee
I know it's late but the sentiment is still there 8 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I'm a daddy, but I don't have any kids.
The MCU is just a recasting of Lord of the Rings 10 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Lee Pace, who played Thranduil in the Hobbit also played Ronin in GoTG. I know there's more, I just can't remember them
The MCU is just a recasting of Lord of the Rings 10 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Richard Armitage, Thorin, is also in the MCU, as is Hugo Weaving, who was Elrond. I'm just waiting for Orlando Bloom to join
I wish somebody looks at me like this 11 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
actually I stole it from twitter
· Edited 7 years ago
I wish somebody looks at me like this 11 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Gal Gadot shamefully remembering she has a husband
Mr. Wonder Woman 10 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Mr. Wonder Woman 10 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Relationship goals
Badass alfred 4 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
I love how Jim initially tried to stop him before just going "fuck it"
Good, clean, wholesome fun 14 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
Is that not what it means?
Must be a good wife 8 comments
steve_rogers · 7 years ago
George Washington