

— stille20 Report User
I hate them too 19 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Racist Bastard!!!! ... what? ... I thought the theme of the post of inappropriate over reaction... did I do it wrong?
· Edited 8 years ago
From Iran 11 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Guest person... we all think you need help
Vaccines 29 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Hold up, Doctors push to give a baby as many vaccines as they can in one visit. Not every vaccine, but they don't want to stretch them out too thin because insurance only covers a certain number of visits and in the case of low income families, sometimes they don't come back for a long stretch of time because they can't cover the co pays.
Medical science is always evolving. The point is, we should questions and investigate medical practices.... but you know, calling someone stupid is always constructive.
Us, introverts 20 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Actually, I was responding to the multitude of posts below from people saying they didn't have any friends.
· Edited 8 years ago
Poor Emma! 10 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Emma Watson graduated from Brown in 2014.
Us, introverts 20 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
HI Folks, making friends is hard, I've hard to restart my life several times and building a network of friends has always been helpful. Here are some quick tips...
1. Ask someone for assistance with something. Like ask them to teach you something they are good at. This works far better than you would think.
2. Invite a bunch of people to do something. Keep it super casual and expectations low. Sometimes gathering people on your own terms makes you more comfortable.
3. Get in touch with old friends. Sometimes its pride or just people got busy, but reconnecting can be fun and rewarding.
4. Join a club, especially something with volunteer work. Try out a few. Not every one is a good fit.
5. Remember everyone has they own worries, problems and things they feel self-conscience about. Respect that sometimes they have their own things to deal with. Don’t expect a friend can be there for you at every bump in the road. It doesn't mean they aren't your friend.
Very wise words from dr. Seuss 13 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Sometimes things mean so much more looking back... and sometimes it turns out what seemed so important in that moment, wasn't... humans are strange
Beautiful messy bun 12 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Totally doneit, and it looks great.. for about half an hour
If there was a guarantee of at least working for 6 months, yes 40 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
^asking the real questions^
Vaccines 29 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
So I think you should get your kids vaccinated, but doctors tend to vaccinate all at once, which in theory is a shock to the child's system, making them more likely to have a serious allergic reaction to something minor... but be are so Pro / Anti /Black /White / Good / Bad that we miss the nuances.
Mac and cheese win 5 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Well they shouldn't be sitting in the soup. They should be on top of the soup. Come these are grilled cheese. THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS.
Vaccines 29 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Internet logic: Person now agrees with your opinion due to life experience... yea, we should probably shit all over them.
Give what you want to get 8 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Most people are not solely motivated by money .. if you are:
1. "You don't pay me enough for that" can always be used as argument, regardless of pay.
2. That should be your motivation to work hard and move toward a better job
BANG BANG 26 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I can't imagine how wildly expensive those are. Maybe we should spend the money on more councilors and better security measures.
So kids will be kids? 14 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
I like that lebfturtle poured his/her heart out and the guest was like "you have a bad attitude, you're a terrible parent." Like are you drunk or just an asshole? You don't even have a user name... It's like you just stumbled into someone else party, told a stranger they were terrible and then left.
Florida man moved to Wisconsin 4 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Now I really dislike when people point out a repost, but I feel like this one is just haunting funsubstance.... it just keeps coming back!!!
Us, introverts 20 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago a non-introvert, I also prefer not to be scolded in public or embarrassed in public...just saying
Ahh love 37 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
No, this is true, I went to school, have a good job, own my own car, but when I make any contact with a male I can see them getting poorer and wasting away. It's so awkward in the subway. I just don't know what to do with this power *sobs*
So kids will be kids? 14 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Agreed, I have to remind myself of this when kids do crazy shit and I'm like "WHY!? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?... because they are kids.
Please help me 2 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Why would you stop to take a picture!?!?!?!
Here's a good example 4 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Tell you what folks, If you don't like other people telling you what to wear, then keep your opinions to your yourself. I survived the 90s *says in wavering old person voice* and it's knotted t-shirts and spandex stirrup pants. I think we can over look a few crop tops.
I'm the rude one 6 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
You can be a realist without being rude.
Losing your lighter is the worst 24 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Web MD:
"Smoking pot can increase your heart rate by as much as two times for up to 3 hours. That’s why some people have a heart attack right after they use marijuana. It can increase bleeding, lower blood pressure, and affect your blood sugar, too.
We don’t yet know if marijuana is linked to higher odds of getting lung cancer. But the process does irritate your lungs -- which is why regular pot smokers are more likely to have an ongoing cough and to have lung-related health problems like chest colds and lung infections.
Other physical effects of marijuana include:
Shallow breathing
Red eyes and dilated pupils
Increased appetite
Slowed reaction time (If you drive after using marijuana, your risk of being in a car accident more than doubles.)"
Feel free to smoke, but can we stop saying it comes without risks
Honey hive shoes 7 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
Nope, bees would blend in... I want to know when I have bees on me.
R.I.P movie theaters 6 comments
stille20 · 8 years ago
The real question is why do people pay $10 to see this shit