Carrot helps you see in the dark 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Its a British show called QI and the person answering the question is jack Whitehall oh and I think the episode is called lying
Edited 10 years ago
No ragrets 43 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm a girl and I think the bad thing about this is that girls and boys are not equal physically amd that's why I don't believe in men hitting girls (also it's not right for girls to hit guys), what I'm trying to say is there are people out there like me who are not extreme feminist and I believe that girls can do stuff guys do but that doesn't make us physically equal so basically he shouldn't have hit her and try to justify it with the fact she was a feminist
And now you know the difference! 76 comments
· 10 years ago
I think most people know this but you're still all American because you're from the continent America it's the same as calling someone European
Underqualified 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Take the sheep, go back for cabbage bring it over, but this time take the sheep on your way back and leave cabbage, go get wolf with sheep, leave sheep and take wolf and leave with cabbage then go back and get sheep
How to deal with a b*tch ex-gf 39 comments
Hell yeah! 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Or they were so happy with there first kids they decided to Have another child but then the last born came and they were so disappointed they swore to never risk having a baby that is not as perfect as the first borns