

— stormborn Report User
Russian hogwarts 5 comments
stormborn · 8 years ago 1
Russian hogwarts 5 comments
stormborn · 8 years ago
You mean Durmstrang.
Man trains his dog to be evil on command 5 comments
stormborn · 9 years ago
It needs an exorcism, stat!!
Potion for clean teeth 9 comments
stormborn · 9 years ago
That's so cool.
But that cat is cute :3 10 comments
stormborn · 9 years ago
But it's a dog.
C'mon Disney, lock it up 21 comments
stormborn · 9 years ago
This exists in Supernatural.
The squad will always be close to your heart 14 comments
stormborn · 9 years ago
What really leads to Captain America:Civil war 11 comments
stormborn · 9 years ago
But he is.
Egyptian strawberry 11 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
The most aggressive looking mineral I've ever seen-Crocoite 9 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Well obviously. It has the word Croc in it. As in Crocs. I'd be mad too.
And then there were fandoms... 30 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Continents arranged to form animals 6 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Slovenia already is in a shape of a chicken.
They found something even darker 9 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Wednesday Addams will love this.
Poor clueless kid 17 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Wait ... You people are allowed to use calculators on a math test????
Sorry, just felt like it had to be said. 159 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
(c) You say our generation is slutty. All of my friends(me included) have never even held hands with a guy. And yes, we do have teen pregnancies, but I bet you had them too. Today, it's just more publicised, because of the Internet. Apparently we don't learn/are stupid/are ruining the future. I'm 15. I speak two languages fluently, two quite well and just the basics of numerous languages. I like school. And as for future - it is hard to build something shiny on a pile of ashes. And lastly, we are not anything less than you, just because we were born in a different era. We have less experience, because we are younger. But sadly, you are not wiser. You proved that with the comments and bashing 2000's.
· Edited 10 years ago
Sorry, just felt like it had to be said. 159 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Really? This is how you prove you are more mature? By bashing people, depending on what time they were born? (I'm talking about comments) We didn't choose it! I didn't come up to my parents in their sleep and leave them sumbliminal messages such as: give birth to me in 1999, because it seems like a good year. No! And guess what - your praised 90's technology, reserved only for the 90's kids - I got my Tamagotchi in 2006. I had a great childhood. Not all shows sucked. You just highlight those which did. Your 'era' wasn't perfect either. Everything is flawed. And that's what makes it unique. You say you were brought up in a better environment, say you have better manners. Your parents did a good job parenting. I doubt it. It's not really nice to put someone down about SOMETHING THEY CAN'T CONTROL. That's not good mannered. You are just as bad. I had a great childhood, although all of it is in 2000's. I'm not missing out on anything. It's different, obviously. But not anything less. (c)
6 · Edited 10 years ago
Sexy peaches in China 15 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
It reminds me of a song by The Stranglers called Peaches
Brick always asking the important questions 5 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Brick always asking the important questions 5 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
where is this from? it's hilarious
Tooth paste brush 6 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
True, but it seems more elegant this way, doesn't it? And in a tube, someone else could use it.
Tooth paste brush 6 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Yesyes, and when you want to poison somebody, just replace the toothpaste with poison, or better, put poison in toothpaste. They will never see it coming. Silly people.
Awesome test taking 6 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
napoleon didn't die in a battle
We be like... 16 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Thanks, but I am a 'she' . But still, thank you, for understanding what I meant with the post.
We be like... 16 comments
stormborn · 10 years ago
Honestly? I feel like TFIOS is just like Twilight: a novel focusing on a love story, that moved way to quickly, is predictable, has a trgaic end and is in no way, a masterpiece. So I don't get why everyone is obsessed with it. It's not that good, just a boring, tragic and predictable love story, just a teeny tiny bit better than twilight, but still at most a novel for love hungry people.
· Edited 10 years ago